Why is this game so fucking bad?
Why is this game so fucking bad?
I've been enjoying playing it with friends
The online uses 2003 tier netcode
Poor balance of movement options, bad interactions mostly due to hurtbox shifting, and overly safe framedata. It's really fucking hard to whiff punish most moves in the game and some are basically impossible for certain characters to do anything about even if they know ahead of time. People say defensive options are bad but that's kind of a lie just in the same way they say offensive options are too good. They aren't. Defensive options are really good (shield is just undertuned) what with shit like spotdodge and rolls being dummy hard to punish. Offense is selectively good and few characters can approach well. Revamping movement would help tremendously. Nerfing recoveries and tuning down some of the more ridiculous moves in the game wouldn't hurt, either. But really, fix movement and allow for whiffpunish/catching characters and you'd more or less fix a ton of the issues.
I think the biggest offense in feel, other than the absolutely unplayable online, is how when you hit someone, they fly really far then just stop. Feels like it limits my ability to combo.
t. Melee player
The best part of Smash are the character reveals.
The game itself is medicore at best and always has been.
Too many sword characters. Heavies being too good. Those are the two only characters you'll find playing online.
not even a compedofag but they seriously need to fix the physics, have it play like a proper platformer, changing physics in brawl mods made the SSE actually fun to play
t. Brawl zoomer
every character has a gimmick that makes them annoying to fight
>online friends
holy fuck this, god I hate the impractical quirky shit and wish more characters had straight forward moveset, felt for monkey-pawed when it happened to pac-man, atleast it makes sense for Villager even then I really wish he used an axe more, he doesn't even have a viking helmet costume
It does play like a proper platformer, though. Every platformer where you have an attack has minimal to no momentum. Classic Sonic and Mario games have momentum because their attack is also a source of movement, but Mega Man, Castlevania, and Metroid had no or almost none, because their attack was a separate thing from their movement.
What exactly would Pac-Man have other than his current moveset? I could see maybe pulling from the World games a bit more but most of that was punches, kicks, and eating stuff, which Pac-Man has plenty of. Maybe like, Rev Roll for a down B?
idk take cues from actual martial arts to fit his body type like every other fighting games do and not treat him like a joke character
How many characters in smash pull from actual martial arts, user? Go ahead, tell me.
Falcon uses exaggerated Muay Thai concepts for some moves.
look at what street fighter, tekken, vf and again just about every fighting game has based on rl martial arts
also Luigi has more or a Karate style than mario
Ah yes, so that's Falcon, plus the Shotos which I'll point out for you.
Versus what still amounts to, like, 60 characters doing entirely made up shit.
Pac-Man doing anything even remotely inspired by actual martial arts would be wildly out of character for Smash.
> B-but other fighting games
Yes, and? We're talking about Smash. If you're going to tell me Birdie or Yoshimitsu, characters about half as weird as the majority of Smash's cast, are more than vaguely inspired by actual fighting techniques, we can end the conversation here with me laughing my ass off
It’s only good if your playing with humans in real time. The game is dog shit other wise
every brawler uses techniques in the game, or they would be animalistic like Yoshi, Bowser(actually leaned less animalisting) throught and Donkey Kong
when my friends meet up irl for ffa we always have a good time. The online blows though
Yeah, of course, but most of the "inspiration" boils down to the fact that attacks have to be recognizable as attacks. Don't get me wrong, I'm not a fan of the fucking "they don't actually fight, they just pull out references!" fighters and fighter ideas either, but having pac-man pull from an actual martial art for more than a light reference in a few moves would be silly.
this game is good casually offline. i wouldnt recommend playing this game in any other way
Not him but SSBU would be awful as a straight platformer. Its not because of attacks affecting physics, the fuckhuge input delay and the complete lack of momentum-carrythrough between actions just make it feel like dogshit to move around. Momentum carrying from running to jumping is something they knew to do on the fucking NES. Not being able to cancel landings early by sliding off a platform also just makes it less fun to move than other smashes.
And momentum does carry from running to jumping, or at least it does more than it does in, say, Mega Man. Mega Man can alternate between a horizontal stop and his full speed left or right at will, whether he's in the air or not. Smash games after Melee at least give you air acceleration. This didn't change with X either. Is Mega Man a bad platformer now? I can't wait to see how you spin this one.
Input delay, fucked up buffer, knock back designed to say nope to combos, too many characters (yes bloat is a bad thing) and they keep adding more instead of system mechanics to make the game more interesting a la blitz in gg xrd or red focus in ultra (not the best balanced mechanics but far better than just “oh here’s some new character that plays the same”) I could go on but basically it’s just smash 4 2.0 but with less of the jank that actually made it fun to play in an embarrassing way
They made performing a reverse up special too touchy. I never had this problem in any other Smash games but in Ultimate I am constantly losing stocks from this input error. I have tried Switching controllers but that wasn't the issue, does anyone else have this problem or am I a retard?
"How come this casual party game for kids that a bunch of autistic kids decided to take way too seriously isn't a perfectly balanced and crafted competitive game?"
yes i don't want a functioning product either because it might spite those stinky tourneyfags
No Subspace Emissary-like game mode.