Just finished this for the first time, how did I ever go so long without playing it. What a fucking ending that was

Just finished this for the first time, how did I ever go so long without playing it. What a fucking ending that was.

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Did you cry OP? Did you cry tears of joy at how loved and respected Ame was? Did you cry a stream of happiness from the amount of heart and soul the ending has? I did.

I didn't full blow cry but Issun's speech at the end choked me up real bad and a few tears came down. Game dragged on a bit at times but the adventure was worth it, what a game.

dropped it when i got to part 3 because it felt like the change was to abrupt
that was two console gens ago though, i kinda want to play to the end now but i would need to start a new game
did i miss out?

I would say pick it up again, it's been that long so maybe it'll be like going in fresh.

got it on the summer sale back in June. Fucking loved the game. A bit easy, sure but those devils gate trials didn't fuck around. I used a guide to look for all the beads I was missing before taking on ng+ and yeah I'm obliterating everything in my path but I'm still having a good time. Gonna try and fill out the bestiary animal and fishing tome on this run.

I beat it for the first time a month ago. My only complaint was wakas reveal felt cheesy of how he was the one at fault because they already did the same thing with susano and orochi

So where the demons actually aliens or something? Played it as a kid and never really got it back then.


Attached: cry.jpg (500x466, 50.86K)

I fell for the years of shilling of this turd earlier this year.
Literaly the worst zeldalike I ever played. Holy fuck it's like paltinumclover had 5 cent budget but that still doesn't excuse so much bad gamedesign that is so bad it becomes a fucking parody of the little nitpicks people have about zelda.