>90% of game is just cutscenes
90% of game is just cutscenes
At least it's not a movie game.
Wouldn't have it any other way. I also walk everywhere I go. Seethe.
Yakuza is ass, idk why weebs praise it
I hope Sega dies already. Some other company can take the Yakuza IP and use it to make new games that aren’t 90% cutscenes and you can use guns in them, the rest can burn in hell for all I care
Why even bother call it Yakuza at that point? Fuck off.
still one of the best games from the last decade. Is pure fun is a good beatings "simulator"
stupid faggot, this game is 40% cutscenes, 60% minigames
So 100% shit
so 100% based and yakuza pilled
>The cutscenes are exclusively kino
Most of the games that get shilled on Zig Forums are just as bad as the 'movie games' people shit here shit on.
Yes but the cutscenes are funny and not boring bigot sandwich
>90% of game is just cutscenes
>what combat there is is fairly shallow
>mc takes care of a girl he is completely unrelated for years so she can get fucked by some random guy and have his kid
>same exact map is used time and time again, its not even that large or impressive
Imagine if this franchise was set in Chicago and made by a western developer. Yakuza is the biggest case of "its ok when Japan does it" in existence
>pedofag angry he didn’t get to molest Haruka
I liked it.
*cough* Metal Gear Solid 4 *cough*
50% cutscenes, 10% substories, 30%minigames 10% "gameplay"
As much as I enjoy the story unfolding the combat is just so braindead that I'm about to quit. The only difficult part of this game is the first time you fight a boss and don't know what attack pattern he's going to use. The minigames are the best part of this franchise, which is pathetic.
>Playing minigames isn't "gameplay"
It's literally okay when Japan does it, faggot
uhhuh, does it include forced unsinkable walking sections or instances where the game takes the control away from you to show you an ebic cinematic set piece?
shame your squad looks buttass ugly
there's no option to make them 10 years old like you prefer
A game, just for you.
shame your jokes are as bad as your fashion sense
>ps2 tier jank combat
>ps3 tier graphics
>shit mechanics
>99% of the "game" consists of melodramatic B-movie tier cutscenes
Fuck you weebniggers for shilling me this cringe waste of time.
>you can use guns in them
So, GTA?
And it's great
Name A-tier movie video games
>listening to people on Zig Forums about what games to play
people who eat paint deserve all the suffering they get
>video games
pick one
>friend really likes the series and wants me to play it
>at chapter 4 of 0 and want to smash my head against a wall
My backlog is really big and hearing that 0 is supposed to be the best in terms of gameplay makes me want to drop this series already.