makoto is the worst girl
Makoto is the worst girl
Whatever, nerd.
I like her.
For a second I thought she was Alex from SJR
Can i have more girls drinking alcohol from the bottle?
That pizza looks gross.
is this...a persona related thread?
>he doesn't play P5 in beelzebub mode
the only way to make the game actually challenging.
god I love pantyhose
Hifumi should have been in the group instead of Makoto. There I said it.
Your mother should have swallowed instead of giving birth. There I said it.
Why are you saying "There I said it" as if every other Hifumifag doesn't repeat the exact same thing constantly?
We know. You should take this to /vg/. They would love it.
>really liked her design before playing the game
>ended up fucking HATING her as the game went on
Even if you disregard the fact older girls are superior to all your party members, she is the worst s-link out of all girls in the game and ruins the party dynamic extremely hard
This isn't a Haru thread
Indeed, because she is not the best, but she is absolutely not as fucking awful as Makoto
Ryuji is the worst if he'd just shut the fuck up early on then then team would have never had to deal with Makoto and her bullshit
>she is the worst s-link out of all girls
I don't know about worst but it sure is boring
>Hey MC-kun my new friend has a boyfriend and I don't think he's a good guy
>let's poke our nose in her business about it
could not possibly care less
You play detective with her as she figures out she wants to be a cop like her dad. It could be worse. You could be stuck talking about vegetables and coffee.
Oh no a nice quiet conversation with my heiress-of-a-billion-dollar-conglomerate GF
this is the worst way to spend my day
And a cup of scat coffee please
user if you had ever had a conversation with a real girl about coffee you'd know it's hell.
>most OP overworld ability in the game
>saves the entire team alone from getting Titanic'd by Shido's ship
>leads Joker to Kawakami's maid job, indirectly saving her entire livelihood
>dummy thicc physical attack, charged up god's hand fucking mauls bosses
He's a good lad, kinda dumb but a good lad
I can't hear you over the sound of marrying into a ridiculous amount of wealth
I did. About flowers too. It was kinda worth it in the end.
>Harufags are just using her
Yet more evidence why she's worst girl.
ryuji might be dumb but hes the the only sane person in the entire gang
I will do whatever I must to become the Burger King
not all Harufags are desperate for wealth some of us just want to get down and dirty with her
>to become the Burger King
Kek. You're alright user.
Well, yeah, if you get something out of it then no shit but a general conversation is just painful.