

Attached: Eb601egU4AEk_3_.jpg (3840x2160, 940.48K)

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is it public yet? I didn't get beta access

what game?

some kind of grindan anime mmo maybe with gacha shit


Attached: 12867674646.jpg (600x614, 36.88K)

BOTW ripoff

>gachafags will defend this

>chink gacha mobile game

isnt soul illegal in china?

genshin impact

anime shit cannot have "soul"

when is this shit coming out

thanks anons
pretty but garbage

Looks good, shame about the game being gacha weeb shit tho

Imagine actually playing this, how embarassing.

Attached: bluster.png (325x348, 199.52K)

It's legal if it makes americans seethe

>nintard hates BotW clone
Well I'll be, turns out it's not BotW you like, it's the nintendo logo on it, what a shocking twist

No, because Fire Emblem is weebcringe too.

Too bad, it looks very good but it's just a boring ass hack& slash

It copies botw designs but that's it, the 2 games are vastly different


Oh boy I missed you during those weeks, it was so fucking fun bullying you thread after thread, knowing that you are paid to keep making them and respond to critics, I fucking love this shit.

>copied botw graphics
>copied anime art style
Yeah it's going to look nice when you copy nice looking things

>mobile gacha game
And the chinks ruined any chance of it being good


Attached: 1548971181967.gif (499x385, 321.24K)

>call game chinkshit made by soulless bugmen
>get banned from all boards
I know this site is owned by gooks but come the fuck on make it less obvious.

why does she look so out of place compared to the environment

Made in China
lol "soul"

Attached: smirk.png (820x687, 128.94K)

BOTW looks bad tho.

if only

Attached: pokemonthennnow.jpg (589x687, 107.12K)

I know right, I got banned three days for "racism" or whatever bullshit the JANNYTRANNY said for bullying the chinks the last time they were paid to shill here.


>Weeb shit
>Kawaii ugu girl moe shit that literally in every single eastern game right now
>Gacha in the game
>Test version
>That textures on the rocks
>Tries to copy Breath of the Wil without inlcuding anything special

Its tru that chinks try to copy everything but they lack the creativity to add anything meaningful to it

It's about the art direction, not the graphics that are throttled by shitty consoles

it's so fucking beautiful and soulful like a renaissance painting.

>why does she look so out of place compared to the environment
Because chinks have no soul and are probably just flipping assets.


Yeah, it looks bad.

Why are Americans so threatened by this game?

Attached: genshin_21_4K.jpg (3840x2160, 560.54K)

If they flipped the assets, how'd it get on the switch?

The gacha part kills any chance that this will actually be a good game. Which is a shame because it looks nice even if it's a ripoff