Fall Guys

>ruins your perfect score

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take it to /vg/, zoomer

if your team doesn't have two players minimum immediately rushing for the goal to play goalie, congrats you're playing with brainlets and deserve to lose.

>video games aren't video games unless they're the video games I want to talk about that I enjoy!
go commit neck rope, you insufferable manchild.

"Generals"—long-term, recurring threads about a specific game—should be posted in /vg/. This is not to say threads about specific games cannot be created on Zig Forums, just that long-term, recurring threads belong in /vg/.

>you could inject html by editing your name
what's the name of studio making this game again? how the fuck do you let this happen

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right, except what about this thread screams long-term? this is clearly a shitposting thread about beanplayers and their experiences in a specific mini-game, not a general thread of discussion for the entire game. I understand there's a large influx of threads about this game, but of course that's going to happen on any new game coming out and becoming talked about by a large group of people. That doesn't mean that all topics regarding the new game should be put on /vg/. If they were asking to start a lobby, or what they thought were everyone's thoughts on the state of the game as it stands, or something in that nature it should head to /vg/ but a shitposting thread is right at home on Zig Forums. That's just my blogpost about it, don't forget to like, share and subscribe!

I despise the youtuber/streamer "games", they even have the audacity to charge 20 bucks for this lacklustre garbage and people still buy it because:
1. Funny physics haha it wont get old
2. [insert streamer/youtuber] played this lol, I will buy it
There are easily more entertaining games to play with friends at a way lower price point.

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>mountain final with 14 people
>I'm in row 3

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Its a cashgrab, they dont give a fuck.

fall ball reminds me of low rank rocket league where everyone thinks they are obligated to just touch the ball at every fucking opportunity regardless of what angle they are taking. The amount of own goals just from people jumping for a ball because it's vaguely close to them is utterly ridiculous

but do those games have 1/10th of the playerbase that this game has? doubt it, otherwise they would be talked about as much as this one. go ahead, name 3 other physics based party multiplayer games that came out in the last year, have at least 30k average players online, and have active communities talking about features they want added or any feedback of any kind. name 3.

>implying I'm playing with friends

Why dont the points add up in hoarders? Stupid shit.

>team tail tag
>all tail teammates are huddled against the spinning hammer

Keep seething nincel

Slime climb round 1 was 60 players, 4 people qualified from it lmao

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imagine thinking slime climb is hard

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>See saw

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I finally beat it for the first time and some chicken asshole shoved me while I was still climbing the slime

>name 3 of this specific game genre prompt I just pulled out of my ass that came out in this specifically small time frame
Nice argument bucko, very assertive.
Im fairly certain that in a month or two this game will be forgotten by everyone on the face of this earth or at the very least the player base will dwindle down to. Only thing that sets this apart from games like human fall flat (whose main selling point is "funny physics haha" just like Fall guys) is that you dont necessarily need friends to play and you can just join a lobby and play. Human fall flat was the talk of the town when streamers started playing it and then poof gone. Same thing with totally accurate battlegrounds, which is also a battle royale but instead of just obstacle courses its an fps battle royale but again, selling point was haha funny physics and then no one played it anymore.

Sooo is this like gang beasts orrr better

Should I get rooster or wait for next sale

me bottom right

When it came out I didn't understand why so many people were shitting on team games.
Now I understand, I have been only in 1 final in last 15 games because of team games. We lose EVERY time.

Gang beasts gets old fast and you need to play with naturally funny people. This stands on its own and will hopefully have some longevity

if I could remove one mode it would be this
fuck fall ball, it's not fun

The thing that killed totally accurate battlegrounds was an update that fucked up the game.

I saw a video of someone playing the beta and one of the final rounds they got was a variant of Jump Club where the panels on the floor slowly collapse.

Did they remove this in the final game? I haven't gotten it yet. It looked much better than Fall Mountain and Tail Tag

>Beat it first time with zero issue
>Now I can barely get past the 3rd obstacle

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it's easy as fuck apart from the yellow cylinders

Nah it's still in there

based watermelonchad

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it's been 2 days, why do newfags always pull this shit

I'm almost certain they did.
It sorta makes sense, the platforms falling was random so you could be completely screwed if you ended up on a island that then fell.
But on the other hand it's not like it's any worse than some of the shit we have to deal with right now.

where did you get the red face?

>pleb filtered by the easiest part

It's a myth at this point.

i've lost every game of fall ball and i feel like it's my fault. do you just jump into the ball or dive at it? i feel like i hit it like a wet sponge.

>Lost again due to FUCKING EGG SCRAMBLE
>Retarded team was nowhere to be seen, I was defending the only golden egg in our basket
This game perfectly displays how NPC-tier majority of people's brains are. Most are fucking animals and nothing more.

imagine turning on speedhacks to prevent me from getting first place and then getting eliminated in Perfect Match. That was embarrassing hotdog cunt, you know who you are

Take it /vg/ zoomer. Or preferably on twitch, faggot

Was in the shop for a crown on day 2 or 3.

in game store rotation

It'll get shit and sweaty the more spergs keep playing it and demand competitive mode or some shit only fun cause of unfamiliarity

>he gets filtered by roll out

>me and another guy grab the crown at the same time
>I get it


>last round
>it's hexagone
>doing pretty well at the start but end up falling down a bunch of levels until I hit the bottom floor
>it's untouched, no holes in the floor
>the moment I hit the tiles I immediately glitch through them and land in the slime
>it doesn't even a leave a hole in a tiles
Okay fuck this game

Roll Out's difficulty stems from the fact that it's so easy that you get bored and do stupid shit that gets you killed



Haha I saw my favorite youtuber play this and he got angry because he didn't get the crown and it was funny to watch perhaps I'll get it

this is how I feel about a lot of modes like block party, perfect match, etc
those ones where you just need to wait for people to fuck up instead of actively doing good are kinda lame

okay keep me posted