Why so many FGC poseurs?

Why do fighting games attract so much interest and faux-fandom from people who have never played them and who barely understand them? 60% of people who "like" Street Fighter know nothing about it. The same can be said for 90% of people who "like" Guilty Gear. Zig Forums is absolutely terrible at discussing fighting games despite claiming to love them.

Why is this?

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Because we actually love the story, lore, and the character design with good gameplay.
We're not fully autistic to care about the competitive scene as it's usually the reason why Fighting Games get worse.(Example is Smash Ultimate stages)

There is no real differentiation between competitive gameplay of fighting games and casual play, unlike smash. The only difference is how much the player knows about/has mastered the gameplay. Your post doesn't make much sense with that in mind.

Good post. If you try to play any conventional fighting game casually (no learning combos, only block if you feel like it, just throw out special moves) you'll just get your ass beat even at the lowest levels of online play. If you play fighting games at all you play them at least sort of competitively.

>the story, lore, and the character design
Fighting game stories are generally dogshit with few exceptions.

Do you think most of the people who played SF2 were hardcore competitors or something? No, they just liked screwing around with their friends or even fighting the CPU. You can enjoy something casually without being the best at it.

It's not an issue of playing competitively, it's an issue of clearly not playing a game for more than three hours and then being really opinionated about it. It's baffling.

>. If you try to play any conventional fighting game casually (no learning combos, only block if you feel like it, just throw out special moves) you'll just get your ass beat even at the lowest levels of online play. If you play fighting games at all you play them at least sort of competitively.
You are part of the problem. This mentality is why people think fighting games are too hard to learn.The whole point is to gradually get better at the game. Now more than ever there are resources to help you learn fighting games.
IMO fighting games are in the best era they can ever be
>New tech is is able to spread quickly
>active patching and balancing
>actual communication between devs and players

If you want to be half decent at most conventional fighting games, there's no getting around doing some work. And unlike a game like Smash, where you always have some level of control over your character, in a lot of conventional fighting games you'll spend the entire match on defense against more experienced players, which is almost necessarily frustrating. There's no way around this without fundamentally changing the genre.

Most modern, conventional fighting games honestly aren't fun at a casual level. They're shit party games.

Not everybody decides to play it for a living?

I think the big issue, at least on Zig Forums, is that the people who anons have mentioned who played these games casually with their friends tend to act like they know something about the game when they probably don't.
Even worse, when people who don't know shit about the genre and scene try and think like they know how to change it for the better

>having a scarf tied around your throat to go fight
That will never not be stupid.

>Why am I bad at game
>I should be good for buying it
>Why aren't DLC character auto wins
its ok to be bad just at least try to learn the game. I promise you learning fighting games is easier than it looks just TRY.
You know there this thing called Discord in which people will actively play with you and sometimes help you learn the game.

It happens a lot in life. Get some fresh air.

it was always like this
if anything, past fighting games were even less newcomer friendly

bruh I would go to arcade with 1 dollar in my pocket and play for at least 2 hr non stop. What kind of cuck would go to arcade to bust 10 dollar just to play for fun?

There is a weird perception that you need to be in the top 1% of players to enjoy a fighting game

I'll let in on a secret: Most people suck at most games. It doesn't mean they're not fans.

>not playing a game for more than three hours and then being really opinionated about it. It's baffling.
wait wait hold up


ON Zig Forums?!?!?


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To some degree it's normal, but fighting games are an extreme case. Maybe 1 in 20 people talking about fighting games on Zig Forums play them


Game too much effort to be good at

Following the fgc is like witnessing a real life soap opera.

It's great.

Post 30 seconds of you playing or I write this off as projection

I got hand problems half a year ago from doing Elliot launcher combos in DoA, and I haven't been playing since then. Zig Forums's fighting game discussion is still maximilian_dood YouTube comment tier awful.

that's a step too far you fuck

she's just into strangulation sex its common

There's literally nothing wrong with criticizing Max

Because they are full of sexy girls. I don't actually give a shit about which nerd can beat which other nerd in a fake fight.

>shitpost about how my waifu is the best
>angry coomers attack my taste
>challenge them
>my waifu beats every coomer shitters and stop talking shit about my waifu
wish it was that way desu

But user smash players have different modes designed just to be fun and away from a competitive environment

I was talking about comparing Zig Forums to max

I find the fact that you cannot challenge people to play with you in a thread discussing said fighting game extremely dissapointing. Zig Forums can't even handle DBFZ

I had some success getting SamSho & Power Rangers games earlier this year but I'm currently just a bit burnt out on fighting games. I'll return when FighterZ gets its next character reveal I guess, same with PR, and I'm glad SamSho is getting a S3.

bro just read a guide and use training mode lol

Because there's an aura of skill/eliteness around fighting games in particular that people want to mooch off of. It's similar to Dark Souls that way.

theres no ego to protect in this board since its anonymous and idk why people are not willing to step up their shitposting by challenging faggots to bring more interest in this genre or thread quality. it's a shame