Is this the greatest cod game since black ops 2?

is this the greatest cod game since black ops 2?

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cod hasn't been good since 3
kill yourself

Fuck no

Black ops 2 is dogshit. Try best cod since Mw2

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mw 2 and 3 were good, but not as good as black ops 2


i wasn't talking about mw3 you absolute braindead retard
you should kill yourself too

I'm gonna assume you're 15 with that trash opinion.

lol dumb thread

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It's the first call of duty in a very, VERY long time without an insanely jewish lootbox scheme, it has cross-platform play, and all of the maps and guns are free so the playerbase doesn't end up getting split off.

Unfortunately, multiplayer is still just kind of fucked because of the absolutely fucking insane TTK that makes MW2 blush.

This is my first COD. What's wrong with the TTK and why is everybody bitching about it? It's really not that quick, not any different than CS or Siege. Hardcore is even quicker. Do people want Warzone level of vitality?

>multiplayer is still just kind of fucked because of the absolutely fucking insane TTK

that's one of the best things about the game.

>look up no commentary walkthrough to quench my own curiosity about it's quality
>female commander comes on screen
>close video
Call of duty peaked at black ops 1/2

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some people are so garbage at the game they need slower ttk to survive. they run out in the open and complain about getting killed

If you think anything after MW2 is good, then you're underage.

Already had you covered with a previous response.

>black ops 3 is the best cod

wtf is wrong with you

god, i wish i was

>last cod with mod support
yeah, it's pretty decent all things considered desu

black ops 2 was better and mw3 was better. the only game that might be better than mw3 and black ops 2 is current cod. guess nu-gamers arent good enough at this game so they end up seething.

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>Do people want Warzone level of vitality?
The average human reaction time is 250ms, whereas most assault rifles can kill you in sub-200ms in their most effective ranges, breaking into the 400ms range at their worst ranges. Factoring in latency, which can add anywhere between a 50 to 150 ms discrepancy to this, and you have a game where everyone is effectively running around with OHK weapons.

>they run out in the open and complain about getting killed
Because the game is built around people just sitting in windows or corners just waiting the game out. This is the only CoD I've played where the overwhelming bulk of TDM games time out.

>female commander comes on screen
She only appears for like 5 seconds.

>black ops 2 was better and mw3 was better
*if you're underage and they were you first games

The multiplayer trailer was kino

>This is the only CoD I've played where the overwhelming bulk of TDM games time out.

never happens in my games, and i have 1.33 kd in over 2500 games. guess you're the one camping and get put in lobbies with other campers

I stopped liking CoD when MW came out the first time around.
the perks and customizable shit ruined everything.
favorite CoD was CoDUO
CoD2 and 3 were ok

3 would have been better remembered if it came out on pc

cod 2 was my first game, you cock sucker

You just have to accept that Call of Duty and Modern Call of Duty are completely different series. Zoomers don't even know anything before 4 exists.

Advanced Warfare was fun. I'm sorry guys.

Hes playing on console or just sucks balls. I actually turned off crossplay because all matches with console fags were camp fest and slow as fuck lmao like what the fuck. I seriously suggest to do the same to PC fags as quality of my matches improved massively as id rather take moving around the map jumpshotting sweaty cunts than lil timmy on his Ps4 camping with gaymores,725 and rpg spam.

Best operators are Bale and Krueger.

It's interesting that the story's creative team has created Highway of Death pastiche to use as a referencer to the atrocities committed by the Russian army. The British have been hitting the Russians hard culturally now last. In Tenet there are references to the Dubrovka kidnapping. It speaks a little of the power of the mass media to send a message. How can the Russians respond in this case? By sending Cozy Bear to steal Epstein's videos and posting them online? It's not the same effect. The art is subtle. It has nuances. Pure information has its power, but it works in another dimension.

>awful maps
>redundant guns
>grouped perks
>meh campaign that does absolutely nothing new
It's mediocre at best and does literally nothing we haven't seen before.


Probably. Mainly for Warzone, though. Gunplay feels a lot better when the map doesn't suck ass.

Oh shut the fuck up, I've been playing the game since Finest Hour and Call of Duty 1 on PC and I liked Black Ops 2, MW3 on the otherhand...

Look all those poorfags who cant afford a 4tb ssd

>last good cod was ___ because I was 14 and full of life back then
why is this board like this

last good cod was never though

Fuck no, it looks good sure but it plays like shit, the last good multiplayer cod was Black ops 3