What's Miku thinking about?

What's Miku thinking about?

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Huge cocks


This is a waifu thread.

Him sucking huge cocks


vegetable juice

Sex with me.

Nothing, dumb airhead

Hopefully gigantic horse cocks and dirty horse anuses

Miku is a computer program and cannot actually think

All of you incels, including me, need to have sex. We're pathetic.


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At least take me out to dinner first user, geez.

I had sex once and it was terrible

m u h

The folly of man.

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>Ywn get your dick squeezed right there
Kill me now


This pic makes my dick so fucking hard I could knock someone out with it.

Tail Plugs bros...

how small my pp is

just get a sex doll, they make realistic ones now and even some anime style ones

how much of a size queen is miku? surely she'd be accepting of below average right?

miku loves them all

But the only person I wanna fuck is you user

I'm Anthony Burch

Miku but better.

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Wear a condom first if you're doing it with me, I don't go bareback with strangers.

Mario 64 any% tool-assisted speedruns.

7 inches minimum, she'd laugh at anything below that. Idols are and always will be huge sluts.

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Did I fucking stutter?

I ESPECIALLY want to fuck this miku

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>have 8 inch cock
>spend my day inside not talking to anyone
>hate women and don't find men attractive

I'm on the same boat as you, feels like someone is making a joke by giving me a big cock but messing up with my social settings.

I feel you nig, shit sucks

that's a scary dildo, what the fuck miku

It should be the responsibility of all men with huge cocks to make it undoubtedly known what they're packing and then deny access to all women.

Women need to learn what it's like.

Good on you
Keep that virginity protected until wizardry unlocked.

I want to grab her by the armpits and j-j-jam it in.

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I'm not going to lie, I wear a lot of athletic shorts and sweat pants when I go to the store and catch women taking glances with no intention of ever speaking to them, even if they approached me first.
I'm not a virgin. Why else do you think I hate women?


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Rin but better

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