>Sonicfags are the worst. Everything said about Sonicfags can (((literally))) be applied to even worse rabid fanbases like Stephen Universe, plenty of Zig Forums fags, both of who push creators to suicide, and who knew, even fucking Mario. MARIO IF HE REAL MARIO IF HE REAL THE WARIO APPARITIONS (DO NOT RESEARCH).
Personally I think Fate/GOfags are cancer. Sonicfags are still fucking shit yet there is still much worse.
FIre emblem, half of them have never played the game.
Julian King
Mario autism is ironic though. Read the room, user.
Christian Bell
Same with rabid anti fire emblem smash fans. Honestly discussion around the series is just fucking awful because most people have strong opinions on it without even playing them. 3H was pretty eh though
Jaxson Wright
Ironic shitposting for lulz is still shitposting for lulz.
Evan Hill
Pretty sure the mario retards are ironic retards although the mario if he real stuff is cringe.
Lincoln Cooper
mario if he real
Matthew Bell
>Ironic shitposting for lulz is still shitposting for lulz. meant Ironic shitposting for lulz is still shitposting* I don't even hate marioshit, I just think it's not even fucking funny and pretty gay. There's still a such thing as forcing shit into the ground even if you're being ironic.
Aaron Garcia
You can go more specific and go the Edelgard and Camilla fanboys and haters route
Sonicfags haven’t been the worst fandom since 2008. Anyone still pushing that meme is a retard. There are so many worse fanbases nowadays, Pokémon, Smash, FNAF, MLP, Undertale
thats just coomers in gernral persona fire emblem trails,etc but atleast with trails most of em have played it since its so fucking niche
Jack Peterson
>WARIO APPARITIONS Someone give me a quick rundown.
James Sanchez
An image from spaceworld I think? That had wario talking shit about SM64 was going around with people claiming that they saw wario in Mario 64 because each copy of M64 is personalized
Blake Walker
>Wario isn't haunting people or giving them divine commands Dammit.
the people who obsess over the companies themselves are far more annoying than any individual fanbase said company's games have spawned i've never seen people so eager to defend garbage because it has the company logo on it while also being so aggressive over the concept said garbage may be made available to people of the other brand
Cooper Perry
nothing compares to Sonic autism, shit it brony tier pathetic and the games are not even good
Sebastian Myers
Sonicfags have been surpassed for a long time, Smash, Animal Crossing, Kirby, Nintendo as a whole is far beyond everything from Sega combined
Nolan Morris
He bing bing wahoo'd the mom guaranteed.
Josiah Price
There's nothing ironic about it. "Based" as an adjective was also an ironic use of niggerspeak, is it still ironic if dozens of different anons use it nowadays for everything they agree with? The problem with ironicposting is that it loses its irony and sticks around. Even if you ironically post something retarded that you hate, you help it grow roots. Before long you forget the irony since it's now a habit of yours, and all the newfags that showed up in the meanwhile think that posting that retarded thing is the norm.
Landon Torres
the sonic threads here are really fucking bad most times, it's just the same people arguing the same things again and again, trying to figure out which post 06 game is the real "kino" also funny too how most of the discussion isn't even about the gameplay but yeah smash is top autism atm, though rosterfag stuff seems to have hit somewhat of a lull
Xavier Myers
Except people never went off the deep end with Mario and it’s still just satire to them. On Zig Forums at least. Reddit and Twitter can’t keep things to a sensible level.
Oliver Hill
>On Zig Forums at least Guess again. On the deep end, Mario has a higher concentration of autism than Sonic.
At least they aren't Persona/SMT or Touhou secondaries.
Benjamin Bennett
Anyone who uses the term "fanbase" unironically is a retard
Liam Ramirez
Super Mario is so fuckeng mainstream and enjoyed by all these different kind of normalfags that complaining aobut the specific "Mario autism" seems stupid to me