Suppose the rumored 3D Mario collection releases...without this

SM64, Sunshine and the first Galaxy only. How do you react? Would you miss it, would you not mind?

Personally I think it's easily the best 3D Mario so if the rumors are true and it isn't in its absence will sting, but hey, Nintendo gonna Nintendo

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Nintendo would be fucking imbeciles not to include it so obviously it isn't in

They'll save it for the 3D Mario Collection Part 2, which will have SMG2, 3D World, and maybe something else. 3D Land? Or maybe include Odyssey even though it's already on the switch? In any case that way they can sell two products for $60 each, instead of just one.

the epitome of soulless sequel. people care and hype it simply because they remember growing up with it and enjoying back in 2010-11

I wouldn't miss it, it just felt like "more Galaxy" but it had nothing really special going for it.

i'm gonna be honest, i didn't know it was a thing until like 5 years after it came out

I hated 2 so I wouldn't care at all. I just hope we end up getting 3D World, whether that's surprisingly included as well or comes out on its own.

I enjoyed Galaxy 1 more, so whatever.

>Soulless sequel
Obviously never played it, or you think that style > substance

SMG2 is better than the first because it focusses more on gameplay than on presentation

presentation can make or break a game, user