So this is looking pretty fucking great right? You miss out on cosmetics and DLC but it's all fluff.
So this is looking pretty fucking great right? You miss out on cosmetics and DLC but it's all fluff
>Paying 180 dollars a year to not own your games
Thanks, I'll pass
>$5 a month ($60 a year) on PC
>try games out you dont want to spend $60 on.
>buy the games you want to keep.
Imagine paying for something that a demo should cover.
>Staying subscribed 100% of the time
>Paying full price
Mega retard
A demo should cover the entire duration of a game?
No, it should cover whether or not you want to buy the game.
So after beating a game with game pass you would then buy it full price?
After you already finished it? You're weird.
>friend gives me a year prepaid
>play and beat 20+ games
Imagine being old enough to get mad at this but not old enough to remember all the now dead rental stores for videogames and movies.
I know I will never play many of my games more than 2 times. I haven't used gamepas yet but I am totally on board with bringing rentals back in digital form. And unlike rentals of old and psnow I get to keep my savefiles.
I'll walk you through the chain because you seem retarded.
>Paying 180 dollars a year to not own your games
Dude has an issue with not owning the game.
>try games out you dont want to spend $60 on.
>buy the games you want to keep.
The offered solution is paying for a demo.
If you want to use the pass to complete the games and then not buy it then you are right back at the issue of not owning the game.
The CHAD way is playing a game on gamepass and buying a physical version to keep it sealed.
Did that with Ori and the Will of Wisp because I knew I would love it. Ideal and moneysaving for collectors.
>Paying $10 to rent 1 game for a weekend good
>Paying $10 to rent 200 games for a month bad
You think you own games you pay for?
You're adorable.
Game Pass is 1 dollar for the first month and with little trickery you can keep using that first month over and over so it's 12 bucks a year.
It's a neat idea. There's so many shit games that come out these days that just having a Netflix style sub service to try things out is nice.
First few months of gamepass are for $1 I believe
Or you be me and got 50+ 2 week trial codes from a gaming mess.
>games as a service
Yea, no.
I'll stick to pirating and grab the occasional multiplayer game for cheap through a key reseller.
Suck my dick.
>I don't know what gaas means
You can just make a new subscription every time instead of extending your current one and keep paying 1$ every time.
yeah it's good i've tried out a bunch of new games. i got it super cheap using some dodgy deals as well so it's even sweater. i'll try out the included xcloud when it releases too.
just pirate the fucking games/download the demo and then buy if you like them and think the devs are worth their money, jesus christ how can you fucking retards actually find an excuse to some subscription bullshit, even if it's cheaper to subscribe you're still pissing your money into nothingness
no thanks microsoft i'll continue my try before buy style of purchases
The entire steam library and model is games as a service, you don't buy anything on steam it's all a subscription service.
You don't buy games, you don't buy a license of use, you don't buy anything.
You pay for a service, like getting your hair cut.
First few months of Game Pass are for $1. You can just make a new subscription every time instead of extending your current one and keep paying 1$ every time.
Fuck owning games, I play a game and I'm done with it. 12 bucks a year, I fucking take it.
>Every game ever made is GaaS.
Still not falling for your scam, kike.
Your post just screams
>I don't like video games
Name 5 games on it right now you play daily.
Daily? I complete a game and move to the next one.
But I do.
That's why I pirate them.
Are you retarded?
Forza Horizon 4
Halo MCC
Ace Combat 7
>can't even name one
you are a brain damaged retard
>Mass replying
Kys shill
In the past 2 weeks I have played and completed:
ReCore Definitive Edition
Darksiders 3
State of Decay 2
Deliver Us The Moon
And now I am playing Hollow Knight.
Buy forza. You should already have everything else. EZ stuff
and you paid for it?
Shut the fuck up nigga.
1 dorrar.
I won't need to buy the other ones because I won't be playing them again after I complete them.
Not like it matters because you rather shitpost here than actually play the games you own.