3x3 thread

You know the drill, r8, h8, deb8, dil8, masterb8
Also cre8 your own at bighugelabs.com/mosaic.php

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4/4 I've been interested in Furi recently. I might check it out soon.

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Not bad, OP. Slightly less stereotypical than expected.

I like your taste a lot. Good to see another pathofag.
And you too. Good start to this thread.

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6/6 I'm currently playing through Dragon's Dogma. Recently finished the hunts. I'm looking forward to when the finish the Bachelor route.

DD is one of those heavily flawed gems. I love it to bits, if only for the ambition. It managed to invoke a real feeling of adventure at a lot of points, and I wish more games would emulate it.
Can't wait for Bachelor, I hope we hear something about it soon, but I'm sure it's unlikely.

Your other choices are trash outside of God Hand and Dracula X Chronicles. However, those two alone carry your list. 5 stars nigga.

7/7 I bought killer7 during the summer sale and have yet to even start it
Thanks mate
6/6 heard good things about The friends of Ringo Ishikawa
Also can't wait for Bachelor route

Friends of is a wonderful little game. Very little handholding, trusts you to find your own way living in its little world that's packed full of soul. As someone that loves that gameplay/story synergy I feel like it's a prime example of how to tell a story using a videogame.
It's not for everyonr. It's a real slow burn, with fairly simplistic combat. But I loved it.

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