Imagine being so weak minded that you can't play a video game because you're too afraid of spiders

Imagine being so weak minded that you can't play a video game because you're too afraid of spiders.

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ironically the more you remove the spider features the more unsettling it becomes

That's kinda funny considering spiders are wives.

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Move over, slut.

Attached: pugthe2ro.jpg (850x1133, 246.58K)


Imagine being so weak minded you open this spoiler even though I told you not to.

Attached: 1583296563385.webm (1280x720, 1.15M)

OP is a spider.


>sabotage the entire premise of your game for me, horror games shouldn't be scary

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Where's the transphobia filter

Yes I agree!

Also I can confirm that me and OP are totally NOT spiders!

Spiders are our friends and we should welcome them among us!


Wouldn't having spider enemies be a good thing for people scared of them? This would allow you to overcome your fear by killing spiders without having to get into any physical contact

Imagine being a woman.

W-why is this model plane so s-sexual to me bros...

Imagine being so weak minded that you complain about a video game adding more options that you don’t have to use.

>6 leg insect
>i sleep
>30 leg insect
>i sleep
>8 leg incect
I don't get it, how come people are afraid of spiders and not other bugs

> Horror games shouldn't be scary because then people will be scared

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>Remove enemies from game
>I-its a feature!
I agree. Dark souls should also have an easy mode that removes the bosses.

Do you know why they're phobias? Because they're irrational. Don't over think it.

>"This game about spiders its great, i want to play it"
>"But i can't, becouse im scared of spiders, If only it didn't have any spiders"
I seriously doubt these thoughts ever cross another human being, the most likely scenario is that they thought "Ewww, spiders" and close the video, forgeting about it, if they have spiders they probably aren't very fond of insects either so i don't know why they did this besides inviting a few articles about accessibility as publicity

Spiders are a good enemy because I hate them and that makes me want to kill them more.

I Legimately don't understand people that get mad at this. How does it affect you in anyway?

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Deep seated fear of something that historically is often dangerous. Spiders and scorpions are venomous and therefore psychologically intimidating despite being small, same with snakes.


Let me guess, you also like Homestuck don't you?

Only trannies like spiders

Not even remotely comparable to what they did to the game in the OP. Please leave the goalposts where we can see them.

They can also be husbands

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Is Grounded a horror game? I thought it'd be a goofy adventure kinda thing like "Honey I shrunk the kids"


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Fuck you, I hate spiders lmfao

Fears aren't rational.

Fucking slut

I hate other bugs too user, don't worry.

I have thalassophobia and it's not fair that Subnautica is inaccessible to me. Please add an option to remove the water.

He must have played Dark Messiah