The face that brought down Xbox

This is the face that led to 343 delaying Halo Infinite until 2021, leading to Xbox Series X/S launching with no games, which gives it absolutely no chance of surviving against the PS5.

This is the face that brought down the Xbox brand forever. Say something nice about it.

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He monkey

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i hope that the SeX will fail so miserably that 2/3 years from now i'll be able to get it as well for dirty cheap to emulate the old halo 2
fuck the remaster

Year 19 of the eternal seethe

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why is this somehow something i can imagine Scorsese saying

all that money and all we got was a monkey, rip xbox

based Monke.

All that money and still no games for launch.

so why should i buy an xbox
>deh have lots on da monies
what are they doing with it
>uh uh hu game pass

what a disaster, based monke brute with the own goal

and they were so full of themselves, and then their flagship game looked worse than a lego game on the 360, lmao

In fairness what does PS5 have as a launch game? GTA5?

BOTH consoles are underwhelming as fuck.

both are not good, but sony has more, sony has actual exclusives

I'm sorry, is that your money shillboy? Do you get a piece of the pie?
Why do you priotize how much money microsoft has, over the quality of games you get to play?

That was nice to put George Floyd in the game.

all hail monke

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But uncle Phil said that Craig would be the new face of Xbox. You cant delay Craig Infinite: The game based on the movie

Its gonna suck anyway

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>no games for launch
that makes two of us

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だめだね だめよ だめなのよ
あんたが 好きで好きすぎて
どれだけ 強いお酒でも
歪まない思い出が 馬鹿みたい

The fact that it's being delayed is actually fantastic news.
There are no negatives. I care more about Halo's wellbeing than Xbox's. The Series X wont get it at launch but there was never a reason to get it in the first place since Infinite would've released on PC and the Bone.

>monke delays Infinite
>it turns out to be good because of it
The face that saved Xbox.

>400 billion vs 37 billion
>both have no games
>PC and Switch chads keep winning

pic related is what brought down xbox. monke is just the byproduct of that.

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>not one dollar due to vidya sales

Absolutely seething.

I thought the new spiderman was a launch title? If it isn't jfc this launch of consoles might be the worst I've ever seen. At least switch launched with two amazing games.

>all that money and still can't beat sony
i love it when the underdogs win.

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Monke will save the Xbox

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since when did they delay it, snoy?

You sure those columns had nothing to do with it?

spider man is a dlc. Plus is there going to be a new locations that we could explore rather change in graphics?


yes, sony is the $37 billion david taking on the $402 billion goliath and still winning against all odds every generation.

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you got your numbers wrong "sis"


Yeah, which is why both haven't announced a price yet. The first one to be cheap is going to drive units and they know it now that as covid 19 is going to shrink wallets more as the months go by

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Reject Modernity
Return to Monke

Monke Meme

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Yes but from what Sony has demonstrated good exclusives don't come out until literally 2 or 3 years later after launch. I can count the number of good exclusives on ps4 on one hand