Imagine purchasing the videogame Cyberpunk 2077 and NOT playing as a corpo.
Imagine purchasing the videogame Cyberpunk 2077 and NOT playing as a corpo
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I get the feeling nomad is going to have the most content and polish considering it's what pretty much everyone will choose
regardless I'll still try to go full RoboJew
Nomad is the most logical for a first playthrough.
The character sees and discovers the city for the first time at the same time as you.
Fair point.
literally everyone and their dog is going to play nomad first. the normie choice for sure.
Corpo for me.
Street punk is the coolest one. Nomad is too low tech, and corpo is to uptight.
Why would anyone want to play as corpo?
To begin with, you get an awful story, so your character was rich, becomes poor, and becomes rich again? Why tf do you want to go back to the top when you literally got backstabbed and couldn't stop throwing up? You know how awful it is, yet you want back in?
Add the fact that Corpo V already knows Jackie so you miss their entire introduction and their relationship makes 0 sense.
Corpo V gets no attention from the plot nor relevancy when it comes to the theme. Street Kid V and Nomad V at least fulfill their dream since they always lived in the trash, your corpo V used limousines and drank champagne while Street kid V was being beaten up by niggers for stealing bread.
Your story will be shit, your relationship with Jackie will be shit, your character's motivations and roleplaying will be shit, and Corporations are so grey and boring in this game it surprises me anyone would want to be near them.
I'm so fucking tired of this.
YOU DON'T GET TO EXPLORE THE CITY AS NOMAD V. Nomad V starts in the desert, you finish the origin, and you get a time jump, a montage of your adventures in night city with Jackie. By the time you play as V again HE'S ALREADY BEEN LIVING IN NIGHT CTIY FOR YEARS.
So no, YOU FUCKING RETARD. You won't go around Night City as a fish out of water because by the time you get to drive around and play in the city YOUR V HAS BEEN LIVING THERE FOR YEARS.
ALL ORIGINS HAVE BEEN LIVING THERE FOR YEARS. If anything Corpo and Street Kid are better because they have never been to the badlands.
Yoru Noamd V has already explored the city AND the badlands, there is nothing for you left to see as a character. YOU FUCKING RETARD.
It's like so fucking simple and you guys still don't fucking get YOUR V ALREADY KNOWS NIGHT CITY BY THE TIME YOU PLAY.
>dress in all black
>only carry no frills functional weapons like a pistol and maybe a plain SMG/Rifle
thats my plan
the time jump is like 6 months not years
i like that we have an origin story choice at all. will hate anyone and anything for any reason. this game is going to be tits.
Only if the corpo benefits give me discounts on bimbo futa surgeries.
You got BTFOd, deal with it, faggot.
Nop, I'm sorry your whole "N-nomad m-makes sense!!!!" got ruined. Your V already knows night ctiy, he's been living there for quite some time. So no, you don't get to explore it as he does, tough luck buddy!
>You got BTFOd, deal with it, faggot.
Yep, you're stupid, im not even the guy who you quoted in the first place.
God damn, imaging beign this mad about something this fucking trivial. Contact asap
Doesn't matter, still voting corpo
After reading about the leveling system and gun rarity and all that shit, I'm out. It's like recent AssCreeds and fucking Borderlands. Why the fuck did they do it? Stealth gameplay is fucked, fiddling with leveled items is just busywork. Even if the rest of the game is phenomenal, this will always be a shitstain on it. And Pondsmith is, apparently, a firearms fag, why the fuck would he not object? Dumbass Polacks.
I'm not even playing nomad
You're just incorrect about the time skip
Rarities were known since the first fuckign gameplay they shown. You should've paid attention
>Imagine purchasing the videogame Cyberpunk 2077 at all
I'll pirate it and play as a corpo
Good for you
If guns have rarities but not levels, then I'm fine with it, especially if damage differences aren't that high. But that's not how they are fucking going to do it.
Wait we actually are going to have only paths to choose from? That's fucking lame.
Wtf is this meme?
Nomads are a really obscure faction in the TTRPG. Everyone will go with Street Kid. It's the classic cyber punk ideal and more importantly it's clearly what was shown in the game play demos
Life paths change completely the first 30 minutes of the game, and give you extra dialogue options through out the campaign
What do you mean source? It has been known for the better part of 6 months now and a couple of days ago they released a whole video explaining all of this shit
>Imagine purchasing the videogame Cyberpunk 2077
>gun rarity and all that shit, I'm out. It's like recent AssCreeds and fucking Borderlands.
You mean it's like The Witcher 3?
>buy general weapons and gear at a shop
>might get lucky with a drop from an enemy with boosted stats
>find the best gear in chests after a boss fight or through exploration
And that's not including additional weapon mods
What kind of loot system did you want?
>What do you mean source?
I mean source. There's been a lot of not-exactly-true stuff being said about the game so I'm not sure what to believe.
Im pretty sure its just rarities. What levels up is your proficiency with the weapons. Using shotguns will make your character be more deadly with them. At least thats what I got from the presentation they released a couple of days ago. Aparently, one of the ways you can obtain a legendary weapon is by killing bosses or making certain decisions in the story
Dude, CDproject Red released their onw video explaining this. The whole purpose of the video was to showcase the life paths. Look it up, its called Night City Wire
1:00 - 11:00
...Kind of like Deus Ex. Exactly like that would have been fine. And I hate Witcher 3 a lot for it's German-like leveling system. It artificially gimps your damage against too powerful enemies, which is even worse than just high disparity in power between levels.
I can't, I simply can't.
>Everyone will go with Street Kid
>It's the classic cyber punk ideal
This. Normies are lining up to roleplay the rags to riches/anti-authority street kid. The only place I've seen nomad as the popular choice is here and Corpo (in an odd way) is consistently the second choice.
I am actually most turned off by street kid. Sounds shit. Nomads have some romanticism to them, and corpos are a power trip. Street kid is just some shitty mercenary.
I will buy it if it allows me to play as cute hacker anime girl
nomads are more likely to be mercenaries
street kids are just petty criminals trying to make quick cash
>imagine purchasing Cybertrash 2077
>Imagine posting the same autistic meme for Zig Forums karma
Imagine going nomad so you can kick dirt around in the desert like some kind of poor nigger. Corpo all the way baby