Casualises and streamlines and the souls formula in pretty much every way possible

>casualises and streamlines and the souls formula in pretty much every way possible
>it's Zig Forumss favorite

Really jogs the noggin

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Other urls found in this thread:

>thinks the one game with no shields is for casuals

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Its the most like DS1 and it has much better gameplay. DS2 played like shit, and DS3 is a literal hallway with shit pvp and pve. That leaves the 3 good games, DeS DS and BB.

>Remove shields
>Make dodging pretty fast and snappy
>Healing is instant, can heal while moving
>Recover up to 80% of the damage taken by spamming attacks

It is the most casual of the bunch

All of these games are for casuals mate. They make you feel accomplished and you feel a sense of progression in your own skill, but thats all by design. All the FromSoft games are actually incredibly forgiving, they just do a good job of keeping you in suspense. A "hard" game is a game that some people will be straight up unable to finish, like a difficult shmup. If DSP can do it then anybody can finish any of these games.


>Besides potentially losing blood echoes there's no penalty for dying
>Insight is a stupid, underdeveloped mechanic
>Can use chalice dungeons to farm blood chunks or pretty much any item in bulk indifinetely.
>Less skills, less variety for builds

You forgot the most important part
>dodging has instability frames after i-frames so by mistiming your dodge slightly you eat an enormous shitload of damage forcing you to actually respect boss attacks
Which alone makes BB more sill based than DWGR havel's shield souls

>Make dodging pretty fast and snappy
god forbid they give you the fast roll, did you expect a fuckhead in a leathercoat to be fat rolling?
>Healing is instant, can heal while moving
You walk at a snail's pace. If you got hit using a blood vial, it's your own fault like an Estus. It being instant doesn't matter.
>Recover up to 80% of the damage taken by spamming attacks
this is just false, you'll die 9/10 trying that
>Besides potentially losing blood echoes there's no penalty for dying
what is the penalty in dark souls? you dont get to play online?
>Insight is a stupid, underdeveloped mechanic
>Can use chalice dungeons to farm blood chunks or pretty much any item in bulk indifinetely.
and the issue is?
>Less skills, less variety for builds
this is the only valid point. It just seems like you just want things to not be streamlined. you must be the faggot who likes hunger and thirst meters too

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I agree with this in all points user but why do you bother? OP is a baiting trannoid and people bite like clockwork in FROM threads.

>Recover up to 80% of the damage taken by spamming attacks

this is absolute nonsense

There are tons of varieties of builds because every weapon is completely unique. In Dark Souls you have knight dude, faster attacking knight dude, slower attacking knight dude, or broken mage. In Bloodborne every single weapon aside from a few of the generic saw weapons are like a totally new playstyle. I sure feel more compelled to start a new BB playthrough and aim for a specific weapon build than I do in DS, because in DS your weapon options are actually surprisingly few. It almost always ends up being a chunky STR weapon because everything else blows in pve.
Most of the weapons in DS are identical aside from stats and maybe have a different heavy attack that you will never use.
And there is no penalty for dying in any of the souls games dont pretend there is. DS2 probably had the most punishing and it wasnt even bad. Going hollow isnt bad unless you want to summon or be invaded.

because i have nothing else to do with my miserable life

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When is the PC port coming out? I've platted DS3 on Steam and I want more of this kind of fast paced combat.

25 minutes before the first begging post, we're getting better Zig Forums

If you spam dodge you eat shit from the counterdamage state you put yourself in

Reminder that Loran darkbeast is the hardest boss of the series and there's no debating to this


DaS1 is slow but good, DaS2 is slow and clunky trash. DaS3 is the only official souls on PC with the faster playstyle.

Youll have to try sekiro or one of the soulslikes, but I've not tried any of the soulslikes so can't recommend one.

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Already beaten Sekiro and DS1, intentionally avoiding DS2 because I don't like anything about it at all. There were a lot of PC rumors floating around from multiple sources earlier this summer (not just the fucking furfag sloth, I've done my research) and honestly I'm just waiting on whatever Snoy event comes next so that there's a chance they'll announce it there.

DS3 is fucking awful why do people like this linear garbage
Theres no build variance despite the game throwing 50 billion firey demon dick swords at you, each one trying to be edgier and more flashy than the last, and yet they all feel the same, do identical damage and have the same movesets except this one does a cool flashy anime slash that is completely useless
The entire game is one long corridor with no interconnectivity like the first game, and you can warp everywhere and skip it all anyway
Its objectively worse than DS1 in every way and at least DS2 tried to be original rather than just a fanservice wank for maximum sales profits

Not even close, Fume Knight is by far the most retarded

>say you like DS3
>DS2tranny spergs out on cue
Like clockwork

I actually heard that the darkbeast was entirely designed by the memehack itself.

Thanks for letting us know that you're a braindead retard who's simple mind can't comprehend meta differences in weapons/builds and the impact they can have. xox

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>DS2 lives rent free in these faggots heads

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I dont like DS2 retard
DS3 is garbage and its a shit stain on the company
DS should have ended with the first game, DS2 was already unnecessary but DS3 is an utterly fucking soulless cashgrab

>t-this will be the year, sources say it!
>y-youll see, next event they will announce it!
you fags have been chasing the end of the rainbow for 5 years now
just get a PS4 and then sell it back when you're done, you aren't getting any younger waiting for a PC port that may never come

Spotted the BBaby, this exists on souls games as well

I'm not buying a last gen console that barely runs the game at 30fps. With HZD being ported I don't see why it's out of any realm of possibility that Bloodborne is next, or later down the line, and that it's merely a matter of time.

What fucking meta differences? Every cunt in PVP uses either SS UGS or that one anime Katana with absolutely no exceptions because everything else is underwhelming garbage
In DS there are shit loads of weapons and different builds that are viable, fuck practically every weapon aside from the whip is viable if you're half decent. In DS3 its conform or get dunked on by the retard using an objectively better build. Fuck everything about DS3 its linear trash, all the interesting build variance has been reduced to nothing because of pvp autists complaining about imbalance, removing any sense of progression whatsoever because the fucking dinky rusty broadsword you get in the first level is better than almost every late game weapon
FUCK that game and fuck you

sure user, just keep waiting
this might be the year after all amirite?

Against trash mobs its actually accurate.
Ive played and beat BB a hundred times at this point. Rally against trash mobs if youre in a position to do so.
I then just rely on Blood Rupture/Oedon Writhe/whatever floats my boat.

Infinite HP, infinite bullets,

No it doesn't.

Counter damage absolutely does exist in every DS game user.

counter damage only applies during attacks, not dodges, friend

I'll put it this way: the PC port of DS3 is a piece of shit with nonexistent anti aliasing and awful stuttering when it tries to seamlessly load new areas. I spent hours tinkering with post processing AA methods to fix whatever I could with all the jaggies in game, and even then it still looked like ass. And even with all that, it's still an objectively better experience that Bloodborne, which not only has both of the issues I mentioned, but plays at half the framerate and only runs at 720p. It's an objeectively worse experience which forces me to learn how to play Souls games on a completely different controller setup and it's honestly not worth it. I'd rather wait another year for the PC port.

Instability only exists in the sense that if youre staggered/jumping/. Rolling affects inability at 100+% equipload, some weapons with parrys, shield recoil, a few spells, landing from a high fall, turning while sprinting. Its very different from BB
When you get the bonus damage you hear a different hit sound.

>casualises and streamlines and the souls formula
Do people forgot how game journos like that tranny Brianna Wu had a mental breakdown bcs they kept dying ? Also, look at the trophy rate and sales, the playstation madden/nigger normies aren't buying BB, or if they did, they didnt get very far before returning the game.

I found it the easiest too but my friend who finished DS3 got so upset he returned it so it varies I guess
>playing games for the sake of difficulty instead of having fun
If you want real difficulty just play multiplayer games like every normal person

It applies on rolls, staggers, and attacks.
There's also counter damage, for thrusting weapons only, and instability frames in DaS3

You are a fucking retard
No souls game have instability frames ON DODGES,.hell even DS3 only has them on jump attacks for whatever retarded reason

Zig Forums sucks at video games

one guy here says Isshin filtered him for years and still filters him, lol