Am I shitter if I use cheat codes to unlock all augmentations...

Am I shitter if I use cheat codes to unlock all augmentations? I just think it's bullshit that they make it impossible for you to unlock enough of them. I've played and finished the game before. But I wasn't that stealthy.

Attached: Deus_Ex_CD_cover.jpg (480x600, 101.82K)

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you get more than enough cans by exploring.

There aren't enough upgrade canisters full all the augmentations you acquire but there's sure as fuck enough canisters to acquire all the augmentations

I'm playing on GDMX and it's hard finding shit with guards everywhere.

Attached: 1597063104852.png (800x732, 287.87K)


Attached: smh.webm (853x480, 1.18M)

its a good mod tho
maybe you are thinking of revision?

I honestly barely ever used augmentations in Deus Ex. I barely ever used them in any Deus Ex game. You don't really need them.

You get more upgrade canisters by exploring, most of them are not in obvious places and the game doesn't always just hand them out like in Human Revolution.

As with all games, play whatever way you think you'll have the most fun with.

Yes, finding augs is one of the motivations for exploration and exploration is half the fun.