What's the longest vidya session you've had?
What's the longest vidya session you've had?
Probably played wow for upwards 27 hours straight when I was 14
Lately it's been like 1 hour
I played Burning Crusade for 85 hours straight when it came out, only stopping to piss and shit
I'm absolutely sure if I tried it now I'd have a heart attack and die
Jesus dude...
I got Dragon Age Origins down to 20 hour playthroughs when it came out, did all the origin stories and all the quest sides
It was either on WoW or GW2 when it came out. Something like 18 hours. Yeah it's babby mode but even back then it felt like it was going to die.
Now even two hours feels like i will pass out.
first time I played borderlands me and a bud sat down and put in back to back 24 hour sessions with a 5 hour nap in between
I played skyrim for 10 hours everyday when it came out, when i was younger me and my cousin would play maplestory for 24hrs straight with 2x exp on, shit was cash, i miss those days, now the longest i remember recently is like 5 hours on MH:W since i always loved the series and recently i built a good pc
Any good games for high end pcs?
Around 24 hours put into Fallout 4 during the first 2 days of it's release. I was also in school during those days