Seeing all this news of PS5 games running at 1080p has my concerned...

Seeing all this news of PS5 games running at 1080p has my concerned, I know they've shown native 4K games but it's embarrassing.

I was mostly getting a PS5 for the backwards compatibility as I have a decent PS4 library to hold me off until exclusives, but now I'm not sure I care anymore.

Should I just add my PS5 savings to my GPU fund and grab a 3080ti in a few weeks instead?

Attached: fgdf.jpg (707x499, 27.45K)

what the fuck is a p-word

Persimmon is a p-word


A couple of pop music whores released a new song about being whores, the response has been universally negative to it so now they're playing the victims

Pigger, pews, pannys, pedditor

So let me get this straight, you've seen PS5 games ruining at 4k on the system but the "rumors" of this not being the case have you worried?


Imagine being the commie who made this thinking they were actually making a biting commentary/satire on B-Shap.
