Why didn't anyone tell me about this absolute gem of a game what the fuck i am in legit awe
i made a bunch of threads about it when i was playing a year ago, you just didn't pay attention
its pretty good and unique, also good motion controls
>Game has waifu
>it just works
Pandora's Tower is a fantastic game I am surprised it went under most peoples radar.
and it still somehow has the best waifu mechanics in gaming with it's interactions, special events, dialogue, and ai behavior
It is now my solemn duty to make sure you guys play this game please emulate it at least. The enemy design, soundtrack, level layout, and mechanics are kino
Is there an option to turn them off? I tucking hate motion shit
you can play with the classic controller
I would like BOTW 2 to have Zelda as an Elena-esque npc at home
very based, comfy game
>emulate a game designed around motion control
No thanks, bruh
Surprisingly difficult the grass boss fucked me up
>you can play with the classic controller
Emulate it user, do it for her.
I’m going to vomit
This and last story are pretty great.
what are the controls like? Can I play with KB+M or an xbox 360 controller? What's the appeal it looks like a generic hack and slash
Tried to get my roommate to play it after I played it and be never did. This is one of those games you're just gonna keep to yourself about and sometimes think about the cool stuff it did and how fun it was watching a vegan eat monster guts against her will. I don't think it's got a lot of replay value even though you can do the towers in different orders cause the chain is the only movement tool, not like zelda or metroid where certain areas open up the stronger you become.
Xbox controller will be best. Without motion controls all you’re doing is essentially aiming a retical to shoot your chain at enemies which also slows down time so it’s not bad at all. The appeal is that it’s a legit well made game and as much as I hate to compare games it’s pretty much if Zelda tier exploration/puzzles, and castlevania tier level layout/soundtrack, great enemy and boss designs. also has difficult combat that’s rewarding with clever chain gimmicks
faggota werw too busy cooming over xenoblade back then so pandora got forgotten
I loved every second of it and the idea of the composer to use Giuseppe Verdi's Dies Irae as main theme was brilliant
Pandora deserves a second chance desu, what is funny is that they came up with the idea of bringing back Helena meat on a timer based on the japanese lifestyle of the salaryman that has to come back as soon as possible to the wife waiting at home
Eren/Elde in smash, pls.
I disagree the game if i remember has 5 or 7 endings? And the likely hood of getting the "true" ending on your first playthrough. The game in as itself is a good enough length that encourages replayability with the some post content like locked doors, extra weapon, and missable items.
i would also like to say on a side note that the last two towers and their gimmick is KINO
>what is funny is that they came up with the idea of bringing back Helena meat on a timer based on the japanese lifestyle of the salaryman that has to come back as soon as possible to the wife waiting at home
Are you telling me that NTR man is nothing but bogus?
You aret allowed to like Wii games it makes your gamer pp soft.
Thats why its an obscure gem
Probably because the controls are shit
>not like zelda
>zelda tier exploration
Does it emulate well?
Yes, though you’ll have to adjust dolphin controls slightly to be wii compatible if you haven’t already it’s real easy to do
The ultimate husband game
>Hoga: During development, we’d often liken it to a spouse staying at home while the partner goes out to work. If they come home late, the spouse is going to get angry, so they’ll do their his best to come home early. But at the same time, if they put in longer hours at the office, they’ll earn more money, so there is this dilemma... That’s the nature of the game. This is something Yamakura-san talked about from the very start. (laughs)
>Yamakura: To be more specific, I wanted to express something that had been made impure and then became pure again. I settled on the idea of a woman who was pure being somehow spoiled or corrupted and then becoming pure once more. That was the first element of the story I came up with. I then spent a month racking my brains to come up with the method by which her purity would be restored. It just so happened that I was on a bullet train with Hoga, when he remarked: ‘You know, ekiben lunchboxes (packed lunches sold exclusively at train stations) are really back in fashion at the moment...’ (clapping her hands) It just struck me then and there: ‘Let’s make it so there’s something she’s forced to eat!’ (laughs)
>Iwata: In the game, there’s a law forbidding the eating of meat, isn’t there? What was the thinking behind this?
>Yamakura: Around that time, you’d sometimes hear such terms as ‘carnivorous’ girls and ‘herbivorous’ boys’. That was one factor. But I had this impression that, in real life, if a girl literally devours food in front of a boy, he might not find that very attractive. I wanted the image that a girl would eat the food rather reluctantly, so I had the idea of setting the game in a world where eating meat was forbidden.
It's Zelda dungeons pretty much.
>That final boss
>Singing kicks in when it's health is halfway down
I love this shit youtube.com
It's not that bad.