Can you recommend me some nice fucking games with cute DFC girls?

Can you recommend me some nice fucking games with cute DFC girls?

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Fire Emblem

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Why are petite girls so based?

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what's wrong with big boobs

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cringe dude

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tits are gay fuck off

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Nobeta is actually a pretty solidly made game, I'm eagerly awaiting the next level they've been teasing

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What is with the sudden influx of pedos on Zig Forums? Is there a LGTBQ+ discord server dedicated to posting pedo shit? Why?

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You're just groping gross mammary fat with cow tits
With flat chest you're groping her heart.

interesting how you faggots never post this shit in shota threads. Really makes you think.

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both are okay, you retards

Based. I'm glad there are still people with great taste.

Yes thats also nice, she even has her own doujin already. What a trooper.

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Shota >loli

Never once did I say I want loli.
Adults have small tits too you know

because shotafags aren’t as annoying as lolifags

>ctrl+f "pedo"
>4 results


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idk user, sometimes you want tits and others time you don’t want tits

Bottom at least wants it. Top doesn’t. That’s why it’s trying to hold onto the hand


Whats it like being new?

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I love modest titty girls so much bros

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Tidd, all day, ery day

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DFC = Cow
Thicc = Sticc = Muscle
Dark Skin = Light Skin
Short = Tall > Average
I am a man of many tastes.

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and no standards


No, but there's an LGBT discord that's anti-loli, faggot.

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You are a man of no taste. You do not like anything if you like everything.

dangerously based

How about this?

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>Was always team DFC
>Gf is as flat as Etna
>Cool at first
>Gets kind of tiresome after a while
>Start jacking it to paizuri and bigger boobed girl porn whenever the chance pops up
It's a curse I never thought I'd experience.

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It's funny because in Buddhist faith, Siddhartha (first Buddha) is considered to not reach true enlightenment before after he passed on from humanity. Meaning in that image, he preaches falsehood.
>inb4 prison school comic which retarded assfags have no clue what actually happens in.

>tripfag has a an impossibly shitty opinion

that's just schrodinger's nipples right there. its only lewd/not lewd once we figure out the gender


Some days I wake up and want some big titties and thick thighs.
Some days I wake up and want some small titties and thick thighs.
Everyday I wake up horny and lonely

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DRC, but I prefer the real thing

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you acquired a taste for tits, or awakened something that was asleep
in any case, there's no such thing as "enjoying a flat chest", there's nothing there, it's like prefering to drink from a dry glass instead of a glass with a liquid you enjoy

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this tbqh
it is the best and most foolproof normalfaggot deterrant


shut the fuck up onsokumaru

porn has rotted your brain and will rot your future relationships until you find jesus

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>Marry DFC
>Scratch the itch
>Get her pregnant
>Tits swell
>New possibilities

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>heh... all of you are one person in my head and that person does X........ ur done for ;)

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Breast envy is so fucking hot.

>pedo bad
Go back

DFC is still based but moreso 2D than 3D.
If the girl wears lewd clothing though, DFC can be based in 3D too. Like Ushijima Iiniku's work.

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Stupid faggot. This shit was not common in the past years. Gaslighting is a very jewish strategy, faggot

Responding is proof your guilt



the only thing that makes me laugh and also gives me a boner
well, that and being tickle tortured by a hot dom

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Thanks I needed the webm version

>you don't want to diddle kids? wow you must be a faggot

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Can't you just admit you are a pedophile already?

dial 8

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why can't cowtitfags stay in their own threads?

Why does it have to be some online-only gachashit that's not even available in my region, not fair bros.

How do you diddle vidya characters retard?

I'm not.

this "wanting one at one time and one at the other" thing is why i have a robo-wife and slimegirl fetish isn't it

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It seems you're mistaking drawings with real people. You shouldn't mess with kids because they can't consent. Drawings have no private property for you to violate, they're fictional. There is 0 issues with these fags having shit taste and masturbating to pieces of wood boards.

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>chestlet cope

Seethe more Twitter tourist
Flat is justice

I would literally kill for a Nico or Nozomi gf.

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>in any case, there's no such thing as "enjoying a flat chest", there's nothing there, it's like prefering to drink from a dry glass instead of a glass with a liquid you enjoy
>food analogy
I will play your game and respectfully claim that it is not void, since you are getting a feedback. It is just much more subtle. Kind of like between drinking everclear and fine cognac.
I shall also point out that it defiant. It is not your lizard brain telling you, it is not generations upon generations of troglodyte doing it, it is something much more ephemeral and fleeting that comes onto you from the higher spheres.
I enjoy both though, so I won't try to convince you too hard.

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Flat is life, we can all agree, but should a loli have a poochy, soft, plump tummy or a firm, lithe, smooth tummy?

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>tfw no titcow to bully my flat chest

>ummm we don't actually like little boys and girls we just get turned on by drawn pictures of little boys and girls ;)

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funny how I don't see you posting this trash in the shota thread.

That is a trick question, because former is better for biting but latter is better for licking.

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>election tourist doesn't no 2D >>> 3DPD

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There seems to be an unusual influx of normalfags at the moment, probably because of Kung Flu, so anons are doing their part in scaring them away (with cunny).

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It's like enjoying an empty garage.

There is nothing wrong with them having shit taste, asides from having shit taste. They're not hurting anyone. You may not like it, and you can call them out for having shit taste, but they're not violating anyone's body.
Now go back to facebook until you learn the difference between fiction and reality.

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>your flat chest
Its called being a thin male stupid Or being thin is so rare in your country

Probably because there's not as many faggots on Zig Forums.

Can you recommend me some nice games with cute girls who have big boobs?

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I think both can be nice, depends on the person.

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lolis with huge breasts.

but is it anti-shota?


how is that an argument? If you actually care about """""pedophilia""""" then why aren't you shitting up their thread?