post things in video games that give you ptsd
Post things in video games that give you ptsd
Still haven’t recovered
>feel sudden urge to open door
I don't know why.
>swing sword
>move back a few steps for creep cooldown
That's not PTSD user. PTSD is when you run out of shotgun and pistol ammo and are left with an AR... on legendary.
You know, I learned very late in the game that the BR in halo 3 was an insta kill if you aimed at the little flood form. It saved me so much effort.
How do you actually lose at this if you try
this fella
Creepers always spawned in my fucking house, so often to the point where I had to just drop Minecraft alltogether.
holy shit imagine being filtered by Minecraft
any weapon can do it. maybe its just easier on pc with the mouse but i was hosing flood with any weapon pretty easy.
The shrieks from this thing sent shivers down my spine
Objective: kill 2 cougars with your knife and collect their pelts.
Mobs can't spawn on carpet. Makes for some comfy dark room builds.
little more specific for you OP
watching your teammate attempt a crown
Everything about the first encounter in system shock 2 gave me dread type of fright
>annoying loud music
>ugly low poly enemies
>weird creepy sounds
This game scared the living shit out of me
>doing plasma pistol legendary no deaths run
>make it to 2B
>second pulse generator is literally 'lol just get lucky bro'
Never thought I'd hate rocket flood more than I initially did, but here I am
Trying to climb the ranking, Tekken 5 must have been the closest I've ever got to destroy my pad out of frustration. I think I gave up around Warrior.
I have fond memories of me and my little brother getting mauled by this thing day after Christmas
Yeah the medical deck is scary as hell and keeps topping itself.
First a fucking ghost, then the creepy infested crew who you can hear ranting before you see them, then security systems that will instantly fuck you up and/or consume your precious resources, all within the span of like one corridor.
Then turn the next corner and you're getting molested by psychic fucking monkeys.
They really packed a lot of nightmare into a tiny space.
I died to this fucker more than anyone else, and felt nothing when I pushed him off the ledge.
Don't open it
Yes, I'm pathetic.
music was sick fuck u
I have lost to it a few times trying the shortcut right at the start, because if you get booped just right, you just fall right in the crack into the slime. Better to just go the long way around.