Woah! Shadow takes dick the best!

Woah! Shadow takes dick the best!

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lol what is this

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What did he MEAN by this?

Attached: おジャ魔女どれみナ・イ・ショ 第11話「バレンタインディ はづきのないしょ」(DVD 640x480 WMV9).wmv_snapshot_09.31_[2017.12.14_14.57.33].jpg (640x480, 178.68K)

was it autism?

>Crash-sama I kneel...

Attached: 1596779974148.png (630x787, 416.82K)

this is a good post user

honestly? that's pretty based

N. Sanely based.

>this is videogames so no one can really complain

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