Play League of Legenda
Play League of Legenda
I don’t know how to play
Natalie x Ella Hollywood
Cant unsee
Right click on minions right before they die
Throw abilities at the bad guys when you can
>whack-a-mole for 14 min
>blame the lost lane for 1 min
>surrender at 15
no thanks.
When's KDA coming back? They were the best thing to happen to LoL in a long time. Who gives a fuck about Madison Beer.
If you're losing more than half your games in the long term, it's your fault
The only constant is you
not him, but
>tfw you are too bad to carry others
Feels bad man
ah yes because it's my fault that I keep getting paired with level 200s and golds when I just started playing the game right. I understand the whole git gud thing but like bro these guys look in my direction and I die without even getting a chance to react
In the longrun average, yes, it's your fault if you're losing
The only people who hate this game are people who are hard stuck, contrarians hating it because it's popular, got banned for whatever reason, and out of touch boomers who haven't touched the game since season 2 thinking their opinion matters in 2020.
>for whatever reason
Let's be real here
There's just so many reasons why people get banned, for either scripting, cheating, feeding, and obviously flaming their teammates.
>out of touch boomers who haven't touched the game since season 2 thinking their opinion matters in 2020
This is me desu. I liked the game the most during S2, afterwards both the game and pro scene changed significantly and it just wasn't the same.
>afterwards both the game and pro scene changed significantly and it just wasn't the same.
It's an entirely different game user your opinions mean nothing. And what's wrong with the pro scene?
>It's an entirely different game user your opinions mean nothing.
I should've specified that I don't hate the game for changing, but it's the reason why I stopped playing it.
>And what's wrong with the pro scene?
Nothing wrong per se, it's just that it became really big and doesn't have that comfy atmosphere it had during S2. It's much more commercial now.
>Nothing wrong per se, it's just that it became really big and doesn't have that comfy atmosphere it had during S2.
I'm an old fuck and I see this constantly with young people. Something gets big and they dislike it because muh normies. For an example, so many hipsters do this when a rock band gets popular and say, "I-It's not the same band anymore! They sold out!" Deal with it dude, shit gets popular man because people love it. Literally the pro scene is pretty much the same but with more money involved in higher production value.
Your choice, but bear in mind it was corporate since day 1, they just have more money for better production values, which makes it seem more corporate.
Yeah no. Fuck Tencent.
It's not about normies in this case, it's about how interact with each other changed drastically. Also, a lot of personalities I liked a lot started leaving the scene (players, casters) around S3 and I just didn't feel as invested in it as I used to be.
As for the band analogy, I'm only like that when there's a huge genre shift due to getting popular. As long as they stay true to their roots (or at least don't deviate too much), I couldn't care less how popular they are. The prime example of selling out I can think of from my younger days is Linkin Park. The difference between Hybrid Theory and Metheory and later albums is staggering.
Corporate or not, it felt more homely. Just like every AAA game is just there to make money, but that doesn't mean all of them are shit. You can still see passion in some of them.
Name 1 (ONE) good reason for playing league.
They killed my 2 mains back in 2016 and never came back to that dogshit game
>Also, a lot of personalities I liked a lot started leaving the scene (players, casters) around S3 and I just didn't feel as invested in it as I used to be.
Things change dude. Once you get older you'll realize not everything stays the same.
>As for the band analogy, I'm only like that when there's a huge genre shift due to getting popular. As long as they stay true to their roots (or at least don't deviate too much), I couldn't care less how popular they are. The prime example of selling out I can think of from my younger days is Linkin Park. The difference between Hybrid Theory and Metheory and later albums is staggering.
Getting slightly off-topic but musical artists just want to change their musical tastes because staying as just one style of music gets boring and stale to them. Most of them just want to explore different genres to expand. People hate nu-Weezer and I'm pretty sure they didn't want to play Blue album and Pinkerton in their 60's. Things change.
>it felt more homely.
Pro scene isn't just yours, so many other people like you love the scene man there's nothing you can do about it lol. This entire "I wish the community was small because comfy" is so cringe.
Then can ban you for anything they want and steal your money. DONT play lol
Never played MOBAs but I would those KDA girls with the force of a thousand suns. Especially the tights of the fox lady.
It's dumb because even if you don't curse or say something offensive that would be picked up by the bot, you can still get chat restricted for sending too many messages all at once. Just turn off chat in the options menu and you will NEVER get banned.
Also, if you're in a shitty mood do not play League. Big tip.
>Then can ban you for anything they want and steal your money.
This is bullshit, everyone who says this actually got banned because they called people niggers
I'm not sure what point you're trying to make here. The thread was about playing LoL, so I said why I don't play it anymore and likely never will, that's all there is to it.
>plat otp kassadin with a yuumi duo most likely
Go fuck yourself dude. Seriously, the amount of 12-year-old shitters ruining my game by running it down mid as Yasuo is fucking bullshit. Horrible players fuck this game up.
And both teams have an equal chance of it happening. The only long term constant is you, so if you're losing in the long term average you can't blame anything but yourself. What are you not understanding about this? It's not complicated.
You fucking nerd. Wow. Literally go outside nerd. Holy fuck.
Are you going to provide a counter argument or just foam at the mouth with autism and shitpost?
I want him back. The only thing that didnt fit his theme was his old w. Riot only reworked him because they couldnt be bothered to fix the bugs on his r. Also the former names of his abilities were better.
Is he a vampire?
At least I have a fucking life. A career and a girlfriend. And what are you? Some big tough guy talking to other nerds on Zig Forums like the loser fuck you are?
The people are riot are fucking retarded. Morde and Aatrox remakes were a mistake
Collective years means experience of multiple people summed up.
I'd rather just jerk off at the porn thank you very much.
>play in the old ranked system
>stuck between d2-d1
>play after ranked system changes
I wanna touch the tail!
This is satire, right?
every balance change and champ release after xayah and rakan was a mistake, and those 2 were walking a very fine line of acceptable design
They should have just kept the heavy metal theme for the rework instead of some generic undead crap.
Riot is retarded with the reworks.
I'll still never forgive them for getting rid of Twitch's ballroom dance
If you can't carry, you deserved to lose that game