Why can't Americans design good looking characters? is it a reflection of their modern average population now or what?

Why can't Americans design good looking characters? is it a reflection of their modern average population now or what?

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Yes, they're all mutt now

“Why am I cherrypicking unoriginal baiting retard who picks one example who was beaten like a dead horse and fully picked apart a month ago and purposefully (or maybe not, I could be retarded) and ignoring a whole bunch of other sexified western characters in an attempt to subtly blame social justice wahmen and western society as a whole collective”

I guess this is how racists think.

Judaism. America is a Jewish colony.

Yea but Jews actually designed good looking characters, it was them who literally made every superhero that exist. Thor included. So don't blame them.

Superheroes are all ugly ripoffs of earlier designs

>one example

Attached: 240027_delsin-rowe-scene-infamous-second-son-1920x1080-full-hd-16-9_1920x1080_h.jpg (1366x768, 149.46K)

They can.

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Literally every superhero was rrobust chads in the 40s/50s/60s and they were all made by jews so what are you saying?

she looks like she belongs in the SS waffen and is named Hans