A man chooses, a slave obeys

A man chooses, a slave obeys

Attached: aa98fbec6d1918fcab2f94c33acdaa62.png (800x1339, 848.29K)

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A boi bends over

a man cooms, a woman (male) is coommed inside

Attached: 08c33c427396798c3744519d91adc40c.jpg (2000x1467, 1.5M)

Goddamn I want to pound Astolfo's boipussy.

Attached: 1591792270835.png (246x283, 18.56K)

I wish I had a cute femboy to blast full of cum whenever I felt like it

Trap is a slur

Attached: 8069941C-7DDC-4683-9579-2D23F96E4485.jpg (4047x2668, 1.61M)

absolute kino

Reddit is a den of retards.