RGB lights

>RGB lights
What the hell is the point of these fucking things?

Attached: best-rgb-keyboards-large.jpg (3840x2160, 2.4M)

PCs are showpieces these days so when you're away from the keyboard your setup has to look like it's a kid's first time customizing a car in GTA.

to hear the keyboard better

teenagers think it looks cool

>all that disgusting glow under and around the keys
Why don't they make just the letters light up?

4 tha gaymers

To be turned off. I don’t mind them but, as the old adage goes, “out of sight, out of mind.”

so you can set all the keys to one specific color

>no numpad

So I can pick whatever color I want, dumb idiot.

Attached: 1593327971702.png (601x532, 275.86K)