You ever just wanna game with a fellow user who isn't just another normie friend of yours and actually shares you're...

you ever just wanna game with a fellow user who isn't just another normie friend of yours and actually shares you're interests or common thinking? I mean specifically anons of this site, preferably in person

Attached: dusty-PS-vita-playstation-vita-sad-face-sad-14225323634.jpg (550x367, 109.43K)

this but to be boyfriends as well. imagine playing your favorite videogames together all day and then cuddle and have intimate sex after

I wanna call you a raging faggot but god dammit I've been too lonely to not pass this type of thing up, I wouldn't mind a fwb deal where we just hang out, chat, play vidya, play vidya while giving head.

God why is female companionship more harder then male ones?

Attached: Sadness.jpg (535x577, 39.57K)

>I mean specifically anons of this site, preferably in person

Attached: disgust.png (913x721, 364.03K)

Can't help you in person user as I'm not an Americafag, but if you or any user want to talk about any and all games, I'm down.


Sometimes. I remember when I was in college I was sure I was going to meet someone else who was on Zig Forums since they were like 11, but no dice.
I think any sort of meet-up would be a big gamble of being either pretty fun or a terrible experience for everyone.

Also, I feel bad that the picture of my Vita I posted here like 4 years ago is still around.

no I'm better off by myself

I mean, yeah, I'd like more friends to play vidya with, because we're all working and it's hard to find even just one evening when we all have time to meet.
But someone from here? No fucking way, fag. The odds of finding an intelligent, non-annoying, well-adjusted friend here are nearly zero.

>I mean specifically anons of this site, preferably in person
Fuck no. I have irl friends that I've know for like a decade.

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whats hard is finding another person who'd be just as autistic about shit like me, or wouldn't mind it at all. Just chill and friendly, unfortunately I live in the most spic infested city where everyone is unchill as fuck and only plays cod of dooty and fortnight