A Total War Saga: TROY
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>pick up free games on EGS
>buy games on STEAM
How are the player reviews?
I only buy games on GOG to support DRM free. Don't even need Steam at this point anymore since i got more games on Epic for free than buying on Steam in 15 years
hmmmmmmmm let me think about this for a second
Pretty good Warhammer fags are on suicide watch it's actually much better
Wait lemme get this straight. They're giving away a product they would normally charge 60 dollars for? That doesn't strike anyone as suspicious at all?
we were supposed to win...
You are winning already
just play free, Tim pays with fortnite cosmetics money
It's garbage just like the Warhammer games, you aren't missing out by refusing to fall into the chink store trap.
They are desperate, their games since the first Warhammer have all bombed. Warhammer killed the franchise and nobody bought Warhammer 2, Thrones of Brittania, or Three Kingdoms.
>nobody bought Warhammer 2
>nobody bought Three Kingdoms
ally AI is as useless as ever drove me up the fuckin wall. Whats the point with the war co-ordination seems like it's doing absolutly nothing.
Heh more like,
S O Y !
Pretty much same. I do still play for dlc shit on some of the Steam games tho, but I mostly just pirate or buy on GoG.
They absolutely didn't. The first one was garbage and the people who fell for it didn't fall for it a second time. And until CA actually go back to making TW games like Shogin 2 and Rome 2 instead of this dumbed down, gutted garbage they will continue to hemorrhage money while their games flop. They had to take this chink bribe because of how much money they have lost the last 3 or 4 years.
they actually spent exclusivity money for this trash LMAO
>They absolutely didn't
why they keep wasting their time on this garbo when ay:lmao was great?
>corporate loyalty
That's cringe my dude
>don't have to play a shit game
We are winning.
you're retarded dude.
WH2 and 3K sold like hell, and WH2 is genuinly a good game.
>chink shills for China owned company
What makes him "loyal to a corporation"?
You're a steamdrone if you buy games on steam?
The thing is, I personally would buy all of my games from GOG, but on steam the same game is 80% cheaper.
Sure, the game is tied to the account meaning I don't really own it and in the far future it will be completely inaccessible, but I'll be dust by then so owning it wouldn't matter. Right now in this moment, I can play that game, enjoy it and engrave it in my memory and cherish those memories.
Will you pay that extra 80% for exclusive ownership of the game that you play once or twice in your entire life just for the sake of "owning it"?
And don't start mental gymnastics with game streaming, it's nowhere near the same as having a game tied to an account, even in steam you can extract the games for offline play. With streaming you're not in any direct control of a game you've bought access to.
>epic game store
No thanks
How the FUCK does Tim do it bros? Thanks you creepy wanker!
not even worth a pirate
don't you have some nigger feet to kiss, tranny?
>Total War : ONIONS
Fuck CA. The last good historical game was Shogun 2.
good b8
another one for the library, and literally zero (0) purchases in the epic store
thank you, tencent, 2bh
>pick up free games on EGS
>buy games during sales on steam
>pirate anything I don't want to pay for
Same here. Thanks for the shit game, Tim
what the fuck is this captcha
>Imagine downloading chink spyware willingly.
>buy games on
based cuck thanks for making sure rest of us can get them for free
>epic store
Yawn. Wake me up when it's going to go on torrents.
good night
what if you're interested in the expansions? do you buy the game on steam even you own it on EGS then buy the expansions on steam?