So if Funbag Friday is allowed, , which is just a sexual thread for video games, this means we can have Fur Friday, yes? No porn, as that is against the rules. But we can post and talk about our favorite furs in video games.
Fur Friday
I dislike furries but I also dislike double standards even more, so I 100% advocate for this thread.
>no cute braixen gf to get fit with
I love Freya so it makes me die inside when I see her used for aggressive response shitposting. Op, please reconsider what you're doing. Please, do it peacefully and respectfully.
It's not aggressive, she's a teacher and she is educating.
I like fur as much as the next guy, but fur is only allowed on two boards.
Funbags are allowed because there's no nudity.
Incorrect, furry is allowed on ALL boards, as long as it is not porn.
So why do my loli threads get deleted then. The rules say they should be allowed if they're not porn.
Because the Jannies ignore the actual rules and just delete anything they dislike.
A good question, you should ask /qa/ about that because rules as written they are allowed. Distasteful, but allowed.
yeah, can't argue with that
> this means we can have Fur Friday, yes?
no you can't. Yiff in hell, furfag
Great thinking
Cop fox is top fox.
Good luck, user.
Zig Forums& or /trash/, or mlp.
They all look like they fuck human men
She's up there.
When are we gonna have her in another game, bros?
>legendz only has one shitty ps2 game
it's not fair bros
why are there tits
Doesn't look very furry to me.
Well I sure am glad that trolling and racism only happen on Zig Forums!
no bully
See? We can't have nice threads when people post shits like this.
i am monitoring this thread and requesting sheep girls from video games
I just wanted to discuss Animal vydea characters but, as always, coomers ruin everything
Alright, you asked for it.
>cropping out loli
I respectfully disagree
What would you like to discuss, user?
This is absolutely based. This board is garbage anyway so let's see how far it can be taken
I was quoting only the relevant part of the discussion.
My dick
furry women arr okay as long as they have huge titties
Coom energy is a powerful thing.
Sure you were.
There is room in this world for all body types.
Cool vydea animals and not blatant furbait
their paws and whether they should wear footware or go barefoot
>tfw no proper Armello RPG
It hurts
if you wanted real video game discussion you should have just made it a /hmofa/ thread instead, it filters out the retards and fagolas
No flatties allowed
Zig Forums belongs to furries
Armello is a severely underrated game.
Discuss khajiit
I don't understand the Japanese thing where girls are hilariously bad at cooking. Especially where they get their fingers cut to shreds trying to fry perfectly round eggs. I mean what the fuck? How do you cut your fingers when frying eggs? Why do they have to be perfectly circular? Who can't fry a fucking egg?
Mods will ban every 1,000,000th nigger poster but you don’t notice. Sometimes I win that lottery.
It's supposed to be a flaw without being a real flaw. "Oh no I'm a bad cook which means I'm a bad wife and I'm devalued making me humble."
Japan loves to infantilize women and treat them like children, and an easy way to do that is depict them screwing up something really easy that they should be able to do.
You see in Japan women are still expected to have some value as wives besides as a wet hole, so it’s funny or tension building to have a femal character struggle to perform basic domestic duties for whatever salaryman man the harem is obsessed with.
I like the idea of footwear that only partially covers, kinda like fursuit sandals
I unironically got banned for using the word "niggerlicious" on Zig Forums.
Freya is a garbage character. She's literally obsessed with a man who will never remember her. It's like he has a mental disease. She's pathetic for not moving on. And no, she does not have sex with human males because that's not what her character is about. Freya is garbage.
Can we have Scale Saturday tomorrow, is is that just lumped in with Fur Friday?
Step up, furfag
Kill yourself incel.