Party Van

It's Friday, Zig Forums! Let's chill out after a long week and play the greatest strategy game ever made: Team Fortress 2. Hop on!

Password: the usual
Maps (7/24/20):
Want to host the next Variety Night? Check this out:

This Sunday, we'll be playing Unreal Tournament 2004. It'll be mostly vanilla with some custom maps. Don't miss it!

Attached: tf2.jpg (1280x720, 130.31K)

My wife is so cute

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first, no second, for not bumping and leaving something in options

whats the password?


dead van dead game
also will unreals van have custom skins

didnt work

Yeah, we'll have a pack ready for tomorrow's OP

is it vac?

yes, we enable the vaccinator

your wife has a painis, im sorry

daed gaem

postan seiba to bumpe the bread

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No, dead poster


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It's got a pretty fun layout.


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prööööööh :D

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i thought her hand was her nip

bumped, I'm the red medic.

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youre about to be the dead medic, chump

but, it's a cute one right?

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is minecraft the gayest game of all time?

Reminder that redditors and others know about the password and actively seek out party van servers
They tell each other in the steam forums

show proof

of course they tell each other
they see the ‘super secret password server’ and cum themselves when they enter even though the password is literally everywhere now

Hope they have a fun time

is the TF2 Classic server still active? I haven't played in a couple of days

idk kev

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Bumping for sweet tunes and cool moods

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>This Sunday, we'll be playing Unreal Tournament 2004.

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are you happy or mad

reminder that ctf_convoy is liked by both Hitler, Stalin, Satan and Jeffrey Epstein

and me

In pic related, is it actually possible to PU france during the surrender of maine war? because holy fuck did i churn through a lot of men trying.

Attached: eu4.png (535x278, 271.72K)

Yeah, you just need to try harder.