>budget the size of the US department of defense budget
>complete and total flop
>loses subscribers within the first few WEEKS of launch
>game has released December 20, 2011, most people forget it exists by March 2012
>overshadowed by an even BIGGER mess known as Mass Effect 3
>goes free to play soon after
>despite its massive budget, the graphics look like they're straight out of the early 2000s
>gameplay is basically WoW, but even worse
>while the class stories are admittedly good, this means people have completely dropped the game as soon as they run through them all
How is this complete shitshow of a game still alive?
>How is this complete shitshow of a game still alive?
>How is this complete shitshow of a game still alive?
By raking in enough moolah to support Bioware's other development projects lmao
what other bioware projects? kek Dragon Age Inquisition obliterated that company
it made a profit the exact day that it went free to play. Thats why its still going.
This boards been chasing a tortanic high ever since and the ironic twist is this game as well as Fo76 and ESO are raking in money hand over fist. This boards a joke.
tortanic has just a bit over a thousand people playing it, at best
It's in maintenance mode. Star Wars fans are braindead and will buy the latest KYLO REN RED-BLACK LIGHTSABER for 19.99 though in the cash shop though, that's how they make their money.
>F76 Making any money
fuck off Todd no one likes that turd
>Fo76 raking in money
massive cope
Cope nigger
Whatever helps you sleep at night samefag. Zig Forums is the equivalent of an ambulance chaser these days.
Daily player count of over 100,000 ya doink. Not great for a free to play, but stop talking out of your ass.
If you play this as a single player game it’s objectively the best KOTOR
It won't be for long. The contract runs out in 2021, and its very unlikely EA and Disney will renew it.
Better than KOTOR2 sure, but not KOTOR1
you forgot something.
The starwars cooties pay $19.99 for a CHANCE at said KYLO REN RED-BLACK LIGHTSABER.
You didn't tought EAware would straight up put that shit in the cash shop for a direct purchase would you?
My guess is people just crave an MMO Star Wars experience, even if it's a shoddy one. Star Wars is still a fuckhueg media franchise with fanboys and consoomers left and right. This game scratches an itch for them that no other game can scratch, not since Star Wars Galaxies bit the dust.
Also, apparently the single-player experience is okay.
>Dragon age inquisition obliterated that company
I fucking love Bioware threads because I get to peek into the interdimensional rift of bizarro-world
Not even anthem or Andromeda tanked Bioware
They should honestly release a mode that lets you play offline, you make all the characters and can control whichever one you want at the time with a "pause combat button"
that way you can run 4 class quests at your leisure without having to deal with the online BS. I think it'd be fun
Holy shit user, is this true? I have about $20 of credits I haven't spent from back when I was 14
>Not even anthem or Andromeda tanked Bioware
oh no no no
Its not like anyone'll announce it, but no one expected SWG to be cancelled up to the day that it is. SWTOR is part of the old canon, Disney will want it gone at some point.
anthem's doing a pretty good job tanking them. Do they even have anything substantial in production?
>Not even anthem or Andromeda tanked Bioware
This is partially untrue, Andromeda killed Bioware Montreal and Anthem is the only game that actually caused a loss for them and made EA put their foot down, not Inquisition as some people here like to think.
It's actually made a positive profit. Because Bethesda fags and normalfags being whales.
Cope more thinking voting with your wallet matters
Nah the shitty wow gameplay and quest design ruins it
ITT Biodrones coming out of the woodwork
Just give it up, the last decent Bioware game was Mass Effect 2, its been downhill since.
We might be thinking of tanking differently, because Anthem is still being developed and getting money. You can call that a failure but somebody, somewhere is trying to force money out of it and is keeping it alive to do so. Bioware isn't going anywhere until da4 is cancelled or released.
True, but as I said, Bioware is hardly dead.
>look at these profit losses that don't exist on a successful mmo!
>a-actually I was talking about game quality!
>How is this complete shitshow of a game still alive?
because it was a financial success you mouth-breathing retard. the tortanic meme was never true
I defeated The Emperor about a week ago and I still can't believe at how fucking awful the final fucking fight of the main story is, it plays out like literally any other fucking regular mission in the game, yet it somehow manages to be worse in every way. This is supposed to be the final stand against the emperor himself and the republic is launching a full assault on the sith capital, yet when you arrive you don't get any cutscenes actually showing the battle, CGI or in-game. Your instantly dropped in the middle of the capital city with only 15 enemies in total, there are no ships in the sky shooting at each other, no ambient sounds of the battle taking place, and your tasked with finding the emperors secret shuttle which for some reason is parked on a public landing pad in the middle of the city. Now once you get to the shuttle you get some of the cringiest dialogue in the game and than are instantly teleported to the Dark Temple, also accompanied by no cut scenes, where you again mow down the same basic sith mooks for the 100000th time until you reach The Emperor, now a "cut scene" plays where the Emperor says some generic evil sith things at you and you're able to give an equally generic Jedi rebuttal back at him, he shoots lightning, you block it and the fight starts, And the emperor isn't even classified as a boss mob. He has a gold star next to his name which classifies him as an "elite" NPC, and I was able to kill him in 5 hits.
Another "cut scene" happens where the emperor starts glowing purple and crumbling the temple around him. They didn't even bother to animate a cutscene of you going back to your ship and escaping Dromund Kass, you have to use the quick travel button to get out of the dark temple.
And don't give me that shit excuse that it's just an mmo, the two story flahpoints on Illum that take place after this one have full cutscenes and they both have NPC ships and grunts duking it out on the battlefield.
>successful mmo
sure if success means going f2p a few months after release
>He thinks ME2 is good