It's Yen. By a mile. I can't even believe people debate this. Obviously Trissfags can't think past shit

It's Yen. By a mile. I can't even believe people debate this. Obviously Trissfags can't think past shit.

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i agree user lets shake hands and be friends

Of course its yen
When i played witcher 3, even my mother was mirin yennefer

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Is there a comfier location than Kaer Trolde? I think not.
That elevator, and being able to dive off the bridge into the ocean.
Pity Toussaint was less adventurous with that sort of thing.

>Choosing to get shackled down by an awful bitch just because she's purty.
Fucking sad.

Just like real life

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Is there a good summary of the events of 1 and 2 somewhere? I keep holding off on W3 until I can get the story from the first two games, but I always stall out because I hate the combat of 1 so badly. I guess another question - if I just Youtube or read a summary of 1, is W2's combat improved enough that I won't quit that game repeatedly too?

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Triss was only good in Witcher 2. She had alright personality and was hot enough and at the same time you could call her out on her conspiracies and schemings with the Lodge. It was satisfying.
In Witcher 3 everyone is a fucking snowflake and Geralt is a weak fucking pussy. Triss apologizes to him for lying about Yen and using him and Geralt says INSTEAD OF YOU "i never felt that way" which is BULLSHIT because you literally CAN feel that way in Witcher 2.
Fuck Witcher 3 and what it has done to main characters. You can clearly tell that the only characters that were REALLY well written or rather had thought put into them are:
>Dijkstra (before Kaer Morhen)
>Bloody Baron
And that's about it. Everyone else is a retard.
>Geralt is now a total everyman and milquetoast who unironically spews "ITS CURRENT YEAR" to le stronk women and is made so that normies can relate better
>Ciri is a Mary Sue, but that is leftover from books but even there she had more fucked up situations and was in danger, in Witcher 3 she literally has *teleports behind u* powers which were NEVER a thing in books
>Triss is made into typical le perfect obedient waifu when she is one of the most traitorous bitches in the lore
>Eredin and Wild Hunt have no backstory whatsoever, most boring villains in the game
>Avallach lacks proper motivation and development, he shouldn't have just tried to help Ciri and should have had ulterior motives on his own
Many of those are direct results of obvious content cuts and rushed story at the end tho.