Play Mugen

Play Mugen its the only fighting game you need.

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ok, show me some mugen gameplay

ok, show me some more titty idle poses

if there was a complete pack with everything being of this quality, then yes.

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Filthy casuals, mugen is best suited for rape characters.

based, Draculina

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No, play Galaxy fighters.
And you, play Superior Soldiers.

Give me Yugioh MUGEN

Darkstalkers is DEEEEEAAAAAD

Mugen is probably the only way we're ever getting a new one.

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It's dead if we want it to stay dead/lose hope!!!

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>That heavy landing sound
Does she weigh a metric ton?

I will make a porn edit of these if they exist as characters

sound exaggeration so action is easier to read in high speed play

How does one post a Play Mugen thread and not have a Mugen pack ready? It's absurd

neat artist

Why isn't there a fighting game where you literally just wrestle-fuck and the buttons are mapped to fucking motions

Ohgaki's Chi-chi

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Cute belly

Would be better without clothes!

I haven't played this since the ryona mugen database went down.

Okay, but where is the sprite where they fucked by Slime?

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Perfection, who is the artist?

You’re a funny guy OP

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Drop a link with a pack of these girls please.
I've tried getting into mugen before but too much of a brainlet to figure out which pack to go with and individual downloads are annoying.

Recommend me some high quality lewd mugens

I need a source of that Subarashiki Shin Sekai mix that plays at the end.