How do I stop being horny and desperate to fuck every moment of my life

how do I stop being horny and desperate to fuck every moment of my life
I keep becoming more depraved and gay and can't focus on games

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Do the emo spiderman dance

From what the normie friends say, becoming a wagecuck and selling your soul corporations kills your libido very quick.

go to a prostitue

This but without the gay
I require vagina

Attached: 3pe1qi.jpg (250x250, 17.37K)

drink coffee, it's good for you

Jerk off dude. No fap is a meme

Jack off retard

I disagree entirely, I'm only dealing with it more now that I've started waging because I can't fap as freely as before

What the hell is wrong with you? Talk to a therapist you idiot

I've seen this gif so much, what's it from?