Risk of Rain

This is the undisputed list.
Disagree and out yourself as a shitter.

Attached: tier.png (1002x1049, 796.59K)

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Why is fresh meat bad?

>2 hp/s on kill for 3s
>stacking it only increase the duration, not the heal
That's why

>focused convergence
>D tier
Obvious Drizzlet

Attached: 1597275841132.png (443x455, 88.46K)

Fungus should be A, but quite honestly this is a great list.

Oh that's fucking garbage I didn't think the numbers would be that bad

>the tierfag got his grubby hands on ror
fuck of back to where you came from

energy drink should be dropped a tier
pred instincts should be a tier up from soldier syringe, scythe in S too

convergence should be A tier, and defiant gouge too. Items that drastically increase the pace of a run should always be A tier

1 is actually okay, but I have PTSD from shitters taking 3.
Fungus is trash on anyone but Engi. It would be D otherwise.

>chronobauble c tier
>death mark b tier
>razorwire b tier

holy fuck op is such a faggot