>to this day, it has yet to be topped
How did they do it? No other JRPG even comes close.
>to this day, it has yet to be topped
How did they do it? No other JRPG even comes close.
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Um, user... I think you're forgetting something
Why did you remind me?
>the Xenoseries has turned from a religious mecha-drama to coomerbait
>No other JRPG even comes close.
To being so unfinished and basically a VN? You may be right.
Any JRPG that you can actually play until the end is already better, because gameplay matters and not only gears gameplay is already bad by itself, the second disk is an embarrassment.
>still king
Absolutely based.
Xeno always had sexy girls and unlike XB2 the Gears actually had multiple implied sex scenes. Take your retarded meme back to tranny SJW discords it came from.
>Cringeblade Chronicles 2
I'm close to finishing it, I'm not sure but I think i just have the final dungeon left. The story has kept me interested the whole time, and I love seeing the similarities between this and the blade games, but it's definitely not the best JRPG ever. Gameplay is important and this game's gameplay is like 5/10 at best.
>JRPG with phenomenal combat
Which games?