Here's your *female* protagonist

Here's your *female* protagonist

Attached: 3691028-impressions_cyberpunk_site.jpg (1280x720, 125.96K)

Dude does she really have a tattoo of her own face on her stomach? Thats fucking stuoid.

The game has character customization. You can take the tattoos off and even make her look better than the pic in OP

Attached: 1571667703918.jpg (2048x1536, 546.15K)


>playing as a woman
>not creating your own character
lol fag

>CDPR abandoned pic related for what OP posted
Uncle Ted was right, urbanites are faggots.

Attached: YQCP92zyeKrQzMZncV48uZ.jpg (1280x720, 127.6K)

This. Trolls will troll, because they live indoors and mommy hasnt brought the tendies yet.

>playing female v at the first place
it's your problem to be homosex op
i will rule as corpo male v with gorilla arms

That's what happens when you select randomize and take the first thing you get.