why do so many jrpgs have you kill god at the end of the game
Why do so many jrpgs have you kill god at the end of the game
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Because christian god forbids almost everything, but permits pedophilia.
It's a vile pedo god.
something something free will
If god created the world and is omnipotent, then he is responsible for all the evil in the world
it's simple logic
b-b-b-b-but muh devil! muh free will!
god dindu nothin', he just made humans with the will to do evil!
God isnt the real God. Earth is actually made by demiurge which is technically God in our world but was actually Satan since hes so edgy and thought that he could create a world much bettet than God's
Because God created world, where everyone have to suffer. Isn't that, a bit of sadistic?
Because you can only keep increasing the stakes so much over 100 hours before you eventually arrive at the logical conclusion.
Cause a lot of fucking nerds who write wrpgs and jprgs like nerdy fucking shit like nietzche