Spider-Man comes to Marvel's Avengers - PlayStation Exclusive
Sorry you gay retard, but I'm playing the same game with
>Good writing
>Good voice acting
>Harder difficulty QTE
>Actual puzzles
>Same combat
>225 more characters to choose from
>No roleplay garbage
>No item garbage
>No SJW shit
>No microtransactions
>Local co-op with the boys
Based Legoposter.
>IP owned by Sony comes exclusively to Sony platform
Whoa! I am shocked!
>caring about capeshit in 2020
Also forgot
>Runs like butter on your toaster
>Smooth 165fps gameplay
>Good reasons to replay levels
>No performance issues
>No bugs
>The best heroes in the best capesiht Universe
Feels good being a Lego chad
He's just gonna be a copy/paste of Kamala
Based legonigga
Doesn't that basically confirm that Spiderman won't have a significant part in the story?
Yeah, pretty much. He wont' be in it at all, as Spider-Man comes out in 2021. He'll be an online character.