>walking into objects >stuck behind walls >unable to pathfind >cannot interact with objects or surroundings
Why is it so hard to design good AI for enemies in video games?
It's even worse when bosses perform the same cycle of attack patterns. There's no skill involved rather than memorizing their pattern and react accordingly.
>Why is it so hard to design good AI for enemies in video games? If that's a rhetorical question: fuck you you entitled zoomer faggot, you wouldn't know the first thing about creating a fucking ai for your own asshole let alone a computer game If that's not a rhetorical question and you're looking for a genuine answer from a programmer or something: I don't know the first thing about creating a fucking ai you entitled zoomer get off your ass and learn yourself
Andrew Gonzalez
Room 311 took the wrong order, they took from second shelf and not third
Mason Brown
Because it's not a profitable use of time and money. Good AI doesn't impress normalfags. They don't go "Wow, look at the pathfinding algorithm in this game! amazing! Things working the way they should just fly under the radar and the game doesn't get credit for it. Devs have also said in interviews that the average person can't really tell the difference between a good enemy AI and something that just cheeses you with workaround strats, people just assume a good CPU opponent was cheating. And on top of that the mongoloids in marketing don't know how to advertise AI when they can just pull some screenshot or cut a trailer of impressive visuals which is something even people who don't play games can be impressed by.
>Why is video game AI so bad? because the second you make it good normalfags complain about it being too hard.
Leo Martin
>There's no skill involved rather than memorizing their pattern and react accordingly. thats literally what any fucking skill is retard, practice and execution
Charles Wright
Hardmode: You are now contracting your heart manually.
Nolan Miller
>Devs have also said in interviews that the average person can't really tell the difference between a good enemy AI and something that just cheeses you with workaround strats this is especially funny because someone will inevitably bring up FEAR in this thread and that is entirely smoke and mirrors.
Ryan Cooper
>people just assume a good CPU opponent was cheating. an AI playing perfectly is like a human using an aimbot, but worse good AI doesnt mean playing perfectly, unless the enemy is supposed to be some perfect being