What are some anime IPs that need a good videogame asap?
What are some anime IPs that need a good videogame asap?
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>having good games made out of them
Hunter x Hunter
not anime but Avatar The Last Airbender
I was going to call you a faggot, but actually, I can't think of a single anime-to-vidya adaptation that actually ended up being more than "okay."
The fact that there hasn't been a single-player JoJo game made by Rocksteady truly shows we're living in the darkest timeline.
I don't understand why they haven't yet made a new JoJo fighting game to exploit the popularity of the anime
they'd make millions
Rhythm games that encourage live performance
Gundam has some genuine good games
Dream Tank Match is objectively the most fun tank game on the market since it's devoid of pay to win bullshit and Russian bias.
Journey to Jaburo was insane, had so much post game content too.