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calm down champ, it's just a video game
>calm down champ, it's just a video game
With your mindset we would have never got shit like pic related from anything. STFU.
I ain't clicking that shit, nigga.
can somebody visit the imgur I’m too lazy
Tldr. I haven't even finished MGSV
Imgur album of some user flaunting the game script, but not a release. Zzzzz
Leak the Fox Engine source code and I'll chip my cock off on camera
>we would have never got shit like pic related
it looks like ants are the ones who got pic related
Three of the documents have already escaped the hoarders
Luckily three of them managed to get out, the rest are still being hoarded.
>For the third link (demo-jan20151_edit.xlsx), click on the "Text" tab or else you'll get a blank page.
The whereabouts of the rest are currently still unknown
stop spamming your garbage chimp zoo, Caramel, and kys
This. The fucking tranny made a fake script to pass it as real
>All the tags found so far match the internal game hashes
More like it's real. Cringing & you right now
If something is not officially released in the game, then it's non cannon. If something is non cannon, it might as well be fan-fiction. I do not care for someones fan fiction.
konami shill spotted
>the leak is not real!!!!
And yet we would have only found this specific unused prisoner dialogue with the help of the subtitle ID's of the leak.
Go back to /r/eddit if you want to continue dissing factually real shit.
Wasn't this leaked months ago. I remember going through those cells myself.
It doesn't mean anything anyway
This. Who cares about the script. Give us the game developer tools.
nah I just don't like fan fiction sorry
>I-i-it's still not real! A t-tranny made it up!
The more proof that it's real surfaces, the more you get to B T F O
Only some of the files. The rest are being kept secret
the more you get B T F O*
Do we know why the homo still hasn't leaked the full thing?
Pretty sure NBGO moderators are hoarding onto full shebang. If they dare release it, hell even acknowledge it, they will have to face the fact that their conspiracy theories will be rendered invalid and thus NBGO will no longer have a reason to exist
Also they want attention
so should I go through hormone therapy or nah?
Didn't this already leak like 2 years ago? I remember reading this bigass document that was everything about the development of MGSV, that shit like the original script. Adult Chico, and other cut content.
so whats the big deal about this?
Kojima is a hack and Konami are jews
Nothing new
Only three files have managed to leak
The rest such as PF biographies (detailing shit never being publicly mentioned such as CFA being based on Executive Outcomes, IIRC) and other types of radio dialogues are being secretly kept
Dude. no. one. cares about that shit