You ARE joining the fight, right Zig Forums?

You ARE joining the fight, right Zig Forums?

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I don't use apple products to begin with because I'm not retarded.

i don't play fortnite or use apple products. so whatever

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>for Fortnite
you better be fucking with me otherwise I'm gonna suffer form explosive sides displacement

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>you are supporting the fight between Epic, who intentionally fractured the PC community bringing exclusivity wars to it where it wasn't there before no one gave a shit about EA and Ubisoft was happy to be able to have Nested DRM
>and Apple, who's Apple
>neither give a shit about you outside of how much money you give them

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>don't play fortnite
>don't use apple
Not my problem.

Attached: aaf.png (771x804, 183.38K)

You should also know that Epic doesn't give a shit about you.

Similarly, I do not support Epic either.

Some of us have already been doing this shit, guys. Not everyone's been buying dumb, awful, terrible shit up just to spend their money.

I guess we welcome you new folks to the fight - sorry you got lost along the way.

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