You are knowledgeable enough about vidya that you can match each weapon with the correct element... right?
You are knowledgeable enough about vidya that you can match each weapon with the correct element... right?
Flame Sword
Thunder Axe
Wind Spear
Ice Bow
Swapping Ice & Wind is acceptable.
Thunder Bow
Ice axe
Wind Spear
Fire Sword
Ice Bow
Fire Axe
Wind Spear
Lightning Sword
Flame Axe
Thunder Spear
Wind Bow
Ice Dagger
>fire and lightning aren't one element
>implying axes
gay shit
Thunder spear
Flame sword
Wind bow
Ice axe
Simple as
Frost spear, lightning spear also acceptable
Wind bow
Flame sword
Earth axe
Ice flame thunder wind sword
Boring answers
>Wind bow and arrows
Fun games do this
>Frost bow and arrows
Fire bow to deal DoT damage while backing up and avoiding enemies
Ice Axe to slow enemies and keep them within melee range
Lightning spear to keep enemies mid range and until your paralysis procs then you can rushdown
Wind sword to increase your melee speed and overall dps axe would benefit as well but not nearly as much as sword
Ice axe
Rest doesn't matter because only gaywads would pick any of those other options lmao
Fire Sword
Wind Bow
Ice Axe
Electric Spear
Thunder Sword
Flame Bow
Wind Spear
Ice Axe
>>fire and lightning aren't one element
God, I bet you're one of those people who think Ice and Water elements should be the same even thought they are completely separate things.
>Ice Sword
The blade is made of ice and the weapon shatters upon first hit, leaving you with a broken sword.
>Fire Bow
So you can misfire and set yourself on fire by accident.
>Wind Axe
So you can swing too fast and end up chopping your limbs off.
>Lightning Spear
Use the spear's long reach to attract actual lightnings and get shocked to death during a thunderstorm.
Flame spear named Auschwitz
Have a pity (You)
>Ice axe
I too, am a retard.
Wind Spear
Lightning Bow
Ice Sword
Fire Axe
Flame axe
Lightning bow
Ice spear
Wind sword
>telekinetically controlling masses of water is the same as being able to summon water out of thin air and lower it's temperature faster than is physically possible, without drawing the initial heat of the water anywhere and seemingly just destroying it, which is also impossible to create solid ice which is then telekinetically manipulated
As incorrectly as possible
>Ice Bow
>Wind Sword
>Fire Axe
>Lightning Staff
All of them can be wind.
Ice goes with spear or axe.
Thunder goes with axe or sword.
Fire goes with bow.
Fire axe, lightning spear, wind bow, ice is just cold water. Water sword
then lightning is just fire, you faggot
Realismfags need to leave and never come back. I honestly prefer weebs over you retards.
>Bow ; Wind
>Sword ; Fire
Fire is the element of protagonists. Swords are the weapons of protagonists.
>Axe ; Thunder
An axe crashes down like thunder.
>Spear ; Water
The pussy hiding behind shield weapon of FAGGOTS, suits the womanly element of water.
>Hard water
I legit thought "tap water with minerals and shit in it" at first.
Do you really think electricity and fire are the same thing?
Lightning also includes weak nuclear forces and magnetism
Here's a DLC pack.
Do you really think water and ice are the same thing?
Fire sword
Lightning bow
Ice axe
Wind spear
Dark Katana
Light Hammer
No, but they're substantially closer to each other than fire and lightning. Water and ice can be combined or not based on the game. Fire and lightning should never be combined.
good job on choosing the worst possible options, impressive.
>Water and ice can be combined
They shouldn't. Both elements behave complelely different. In fact, opposite. Water is associated with flow, movement and even life in some games. Ice is static, hard and "cold" suggests "death".
I see you haven't played enough eastern vidya
Fire Sword
Lightning Rod
Ice Axe
Wind Bow
>fell for the poison dagger meme
This is the dumbest idea ever. Why would you want a status effect that takes long to pay off in an immediate situation of close combat with the shortest weapon of them all?
care to elaborate, faggot?