Zoomers will never truly understand
Zoomers will never truly understand
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If you thought graphics were cutting edge back then you're a FOOL.
but it was, jumping from SNES to a psx with ff7?
it's fucking insane.
It was you shitstain
>he says with an atrocious stick figure art-style
even as a kid I wasn't dumb enough to compare FMV cutscenes to gameplay. I knew there was a reason it looked better.
this is what a squaresoft jrpg released the year before looked like.
the difference was huge.
I’m old and I was actually there when it came out. FF7 had bad graphics in 1997, nobody thought they were groundbreaking. I remember one annoying zombie enemy in Sephiroth’s basement that looked so fucking bad and that was the moment for me that this was an ugly game and a step down in many ways (aside from pre-rendered stuff like in the OP and backgrounds) from FF6’s pixel art. Most of the polys are gouraud shaded and don’t have textures. The summons are textured and they’re the only thing in the game that looked decent at the time it was released. It was cool watching the videos transition seamlessly to backgrounds with gameplay elements. That was pretty neat. But FF7 was an ugly game in 1997
Funny how it's one of the most poorly ages games graphically now lol
Yes they will, there's still lots of room for improvement.