this time without anime nonce 404-bombing
reporting works. you can thank me.
use the format....
fuck you
nobody cares about your stupid vtuber nigger
This run fucking sucks.
the anime addict who made the thread got banned which causes the thread to get deleted
it's a SUPER old /vg/ meme tactic
Make a decent OP you dumbass.
When are the good runs?
vtuberkeks are the new bronies, nothing new here
anyway, back to video games
that retard OP of the last thread used an VTuber image, the instant nuke without reading the thread was expected
didn't have it
will next time i guess
As I was saying my mommy is buying me a model kit
>404 one thread
>THREE others pop up
God bless, janitors
What's your favourite sauce, Zig Forums?
what kind of model kit?
post anime one more time, i dare you
Good game but not the most interesting run. I do like SpikeVegeta though so I'll put up with it.
Who the fuck calls it I-see-o
___ _ ____ _ ___ ___
Do it
white sauce (the one you get in kebabs)
>Watermelon Block
Why the fuck can't they just make a fucking sticky?
This one
>no McDonald'sposting this event because COVID
Zig Forums is and always will be an anime website.
Love it or leave it and go make your own website, newfag.
Any Prizes worth donating for?
Oh FUCK that. The threads would be 10x worse.
man i feel like i'm constantly on the verge of puking from drinking too much yesterday, fuck
>anyone saying this was prerecorded
Do you have any proof? Retard?
They're not going to put something up as a sticky for a straight week
Any interesting runs tonight since fag OP didn't post schedule
Lol nope
>german stream still has the english audio in the background even though it would be trivial to remove
>asking anons on Zig Forums to back anything up with proof
>up for 3 hours
>34 replies
It would be objectively better
fuck off newfaggot
Why are there no facecams?
You're objectively wrong, you retard.
Tranny general?
What's the point without the autism cams?
all these good games are between midnight and 7am
kill yourself newfag
Gdq doesn't require them
ICO waiting room
on the bright side there's a comfy and good twitch chat unlike the cancer on the main channel
i've been here since 2009 on various boards (e.g. /sp/, Zig Forums, Zig Forums, /ck/, /out/)
>the villains are long nosed traitors
What did they mean by this?
Is the game actually good? Looks like stupid weeaboo shit
iirc spikevegeta has a really sexy sister?
Damm time flies i gotta start din din
T. Newfag
nice 157 and 158 filenames
kill yourself newfag
Do you want to see ugly men dressed poorly in drag that much?
why would you revive this dogshit general? don't do that
It's Shadow of the Colossus but an escort sim, if that sounds like your thing you'll like it.
Yeah, this is her
Does SpikeVegeta even run. All he's done for years now is talk
if you don't do this it's super easy to identify people by filename on the archive
at least with this the md5 has to be used which often has collisions
It's GDQ tradition, user.
what are you making for din din user?
is that agatha?
I'm growing increasingly more irritated hearing these fuckers. I miss the autism in the crowd
She looks like she's into some nasty stuff
I see no reason to care unless you are a serial shitposter that posts the same things over and over again
For me, is Ursula.
Why are you posting a man in a dress?
1-9 fap
0 watch more gdq
It's more like Zelda than it is SOTC. The only comparison between the two is there's puzzles but Ico is more platforming than it is action like SOTC.
Both are great and an easy recommendation though.
Donation incentive
Is ICO a good speedrun?
see you, comrade
>half the usual viewers
>Mike Uyuma will cry on his bed of money because he can't launder as much this year
>4 of the worst boards in this site
That explains why you're a frogposter.
There hasn't been one tranny all day and to my knowledge there are barely any 90% of the trannies was proto inviting their friends
i already drained my balls in your mom...
His board list is full of shitposting boards, what do you think?
Isn't there a separate Zig Forums style board for this shit yet?
Thank you father
every marathon you tell people to go to /vg/ and every time you get told to fuck off and no one migrates.
this belongs on Zig Forums. go be autistic somewhere else.
Ah, the naughty jew girls :3
Chicken broccoli bacon alfredo and garlic bread
do you like hand holding
He seems chill on camera but I feel like he's an asshole in reality and a sick fuck.
Olympia chad here
eww, yucky
>pronouns after runner names
holy fuck
Shame these kinds of games aren't run in coop, especially when you're dealing with a situation as they are with the COVID virus.
He's also a crybaby. Back in 2019 he did an event with Pie and had a meltdown because his game wouldn't work and ragequit. This was while idiots were throwing thousands of dollars at them every hour.
>no one migrates.
there's where youre wrong, bucko
>nothing but shitposting boards
>removing preferred pronouns
Pure viewership pandering
So is this a pre recorded run or not?
This shit really hits a new ground floor every year, doesn't it?
>those chair creaks
how fat are these people?
They pop in and out retard. Always have
Where are the trannies lads
>Popular speedrunner is a crybaby
Not surprised. A lot of them seem to have anger issues and get mad if they don't get attention or have their way.
It's all pre-recorded outside of the calling donations.
My chair is probably older than you. I move a muscle and it sounds like a haunted house.
I like pulling back my foreskin after not showering for a few days and giving it a good sniff.
can I get a what-what from all the trannies in the audience?
Hello user.