Can someone explain some of these to me?
Particularly these:
>End screen jumpscare
>Link is Malon
>Keaton Mask soldier's transformation
>Berserk potion
>Haunted Wasteland leads to Shifting Sand Land
>Termina can be accessed
Can someone explain some of these to me?
Sorry I can't answer your questions OP but I can tell you about my own experience which I've never seen mentioned in these Iceberg threads unless it is the "Secret third personalized timeline" You know how at night on Hyrule field Stallchilds will start spawning everywhere you go and no matter how many you kill they keep spawning, but only when link is a kid, as an adult the fields are safe at night. Well you see I was a kid I think I was 7 and ws doing the Biggoron Sword sidequest, and at the part where you have to wait a few days for the sword to be forged, I didn't have the Sun's song so I just left Link idle in the field while I went to do something else, I had to come back when I heard howling and Link's damaged screams, I come back and Wolfos had spawned and where attacking me. I panicked and ran away, this has never happened again I have tried to replicate it by leaving Link idle in the field for several days and nights but no enemies have ever spanwed as adult link in hyrule field at night.
This was most likely a bug in that the game messed up and tried to load an enemy but the field probably has no enemy data for adult link and just defaulted to spawning Wolfos, but the thing is Wolfos used to terrify me as a kid and its almost like the game knew I mean why spawn Wolfos? and not any otehr enemy?
It's bullshit to get on the SM64 personalized copies/wario apparition bandwagon
>the what
Some thing where Zig Forums pretends to talk about fake aspects of SM64 so they can relive the days of playground rumors like Mew under the truck and San Andreas Big Foot.
Adult Link does have enemies in his field technically, just poes. It's possible that this was a mere bug or a secret easter egg.
Wtf? That's creepy.
>Link is Malon
Is this a reference to that one famous Malon fanart that kinda looks like Link wearing a dress and getting caught?
not gonna make it