The sheer amount of details and little tricks you can do with the items and mechanics in this game is staggering...

the sheer amount of details and little tricks you can do with the items and mechanics in this game is staggering considering the development time.
No other open world game comes close.
The amount of things you can do with Floating Carriers alone is more impressive than anything in BOTW, and that sticky gun has earned a permanent spot on my tool rack.

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But it's less fun with the money going towards the ZOG. You're a fucking faggot in all honesty.

>he's not a homo ludens

just look at this shit, they deploy flotation devices when they get knocked out in water

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>amount of things you can do with Floating Carriers
Put items on them
Put yourself on them
Wow two things!!!!!!
>little tricks you can do with the items and mechanics in this game
Wowowoow you can do nothing with these things, so amazing

If your going to start a thread with some bullshit at least back it up, where are your examples? What are these amazing things you can do?

>t. hasn't even played the game
why are americans so retarded?

i bet he still doesnt know who this guy was

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we'll never know who or what or when or why or whether or not who or whatever that person is

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Rain bad haha

I still have no idea how roads in this shit work.
Aside from 3 auto-pavers, I single handedly finished all the roads (Playing on PC) anyone else here also finish every road?
Every time I log in I get 10k likes for people using my roads too.
I'm assuming road progress is just partially shared, because there's no fucking way I'm the only PC player that focused on building roads.

I'm on PS4 and I also just built 5-6 roads. Perhaps they deteriorate?

They do deteriorate but it's extremely slow, like 100% to 50% in a week, and that's only in the areas with high amounts of timefall.

I haven't played the game. What are some of the cool tricks?

damn right

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pkuks call every game shit till it comes to their 5000 dollar laggy crashy glitchy piles of shit. LMFAO i couldn't even imaigne what pkuks would think if they actually got one of our master pieces (bloodborne, gow) instead of our table scraps (death stranding, horizon)

You can piss on crawling BTs to evade

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Youre only connected to a few dozen people or else the entire world would be filled with ziplines

Is this game worth full price?

The gams starts to get really good when you reach the mountains but at that point you have ziplines that make it too easy. If they do a sequel Id like to see more focus on mountaineering with being able to climb using handholds, wall cracks, large cave systems, etc.

Sticky gun was in prey first. Which is way better than this fuckinb travesty.

Is that Pliskin?

You can chain multiple floats together for example. Unlike bikes you can fold them back and carry them in a bag after you're done riding, makes them much more useful when combined with zips. I can also shove them up your ass you giant fag

>you have ziplines that make it too easy.
just don't use them bro hahaha holy shit

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>$80 AUD on Greenman gaming
If it was 60 bucks I'd be happy but I'm gonna have to wait for the next sale.

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The game is obviously designed around it. My complaint isnt that theyre there, its that the developer expects you to use them so the mountain terrain isnt as interesting as it could be. The area near the doctor is the best the game ever gets imo

Imagine playing video games as a hobby but only playing on one platform. Sad!

You have to love those calm Sunday delivery routes!

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>The amount of things you can do with Floating Carriers alone is more impressive than anything in BOTW, and that sticky gun has earned a permanent spot on my tool rack.

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I have built all the roads and just set finished setting up a zipline system that covers the mountains. Deliveries are a breeze.

oh look it's the angry Sony fanboy who beta tested for us!

>The game is obviously designed around it
sure, if your tiny brain can't think of other options

>LMFAO i couldn't even imaigne what pkuks would think if they actually got one of our master pieces
>names two games
It must've made you feel bad to type that


Superior in every way """""strand""""" game plowing through!

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Mass reply fags like you need to have their hands cut off

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An overrated hack whose ego, dev preference, and fan adoration went to his head.

I played it on ps4 at launch, put in 60 hours 5 starring everyone and doing the campaign
Now I'm 110 hours on PC doing every single delivery, helping out other players etc and I'm only halfway into the story
If you dig the gameplay you absolutely get your moneys worth and then some